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Still trying to lift my jaw off the floor...

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  • #16
    A couple? He's only shown playing one guitar through the whole DVD... a custom Ignitor. I was pretty disappointed no Gibsons or any other B.C. Riches were shown at all. And Larry Tarnowski is shown only playing his Jackson Kelly through the whole show.
    He doesn't play his warlock in that? Eh well anyways. He has a custom warlock, black with white bevels, he also has a Stealth I am pretty sure. Dunno if its a custom but I seem to have a memory of a video from their Dark Saga tour where he was playing a green Stealth. Not suprising since his connection to Chuck is fairly strong. I don't know if they were friends but they are (were) both strong personalities and worked with some of the same musicians (Steve, Richard) not to mention having both come out of the Florida metal scene.

    He obviously loves that Ignitor but man thats the fugliest guitar. Horrible body style.


    • #17
      I just got the DVD like two weeks ago, watched it all the way through, and I'm pretty sure it was only the Ignitor for the whole set. I'll have to watch it again! I love the Ignitor, one of my favorite B.C. Rich shapes. For some reason, I prefer most of their shapes as basses, though.
      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


      • #18
        There's a bunch of live Iced Earth from Athens on YouTube. He's playing a flat top Ignitor with body binding.


        • #19
          I've seen him play two Ignitors, one I think was on tour. The bound flat top on you mentioned and a trans blue one. From what I understand though, he has a pretty decent guitar collection.


          • #20
            I Like the paint job but I hate the inlays I think they look dumb
            but that's just me.

            Rock on for Life


            • #21
              that is some insane quilt.... i been tryin to find a quilt top like that for a project

