Just got back from vacation - wife and I took a weekend off and went to neighboring arkansas, and rented a lakefront cabin. Was great! Of course, I found two guitars, raising my 2 week total to 6. *!*
Bought the following, in order:
Ibanez Jem77FP - killer guitar
Epiphone Oklahoma State University guitar - was $99 shipped, couldn't resist
ESP series strat - one piece mahogany body, color matching fretboard, plays and sounds amazing
Hamer USA Centaura - needed some TLC, but it's still way cool
...and my finds in Arkansas:
ESP LTD Viper 301 - set neck SG copy, basically. A lot nicer than I thought it would be.
Peavey Wolfgang Special in trans green, was NOS. They never sold it, so I got the full limited lifetime warranty. They couldn't find the original case, but other than fingerprints the guitar is crazy mint and is awesome. Yes, I paid more for it than everything above except for the Jem.
So, I think I'm going to slow down a bit on guitar purchases... so keep an eye out for Pete's Mondo Guitar Sale. I need to get my guitar $ back up to pre purchase levels, and I think there's going to be quite a sacrifice of under $500 guitars.
Bought the following, in order:
Ibanez Jem77FP - killer guitar
Epiphone Oklahoma State University guitar - was $99 shipped, couldn't resist
ESP series strat - one piece mahogany body, color matching fretboard, plays and sounds amazing
Hamer USA Centaura - needed some TLC, but it's still way cool
...and my finds in Arkansas:
ESP LTD Viper 301 - set neck SG copy, basically. A lot nicer than I thought it would be.
Peavey Wolfgang Special in trans green, was NOS. They never sold it, so I got the full limited lifetime warranty. They couldn't find the original case, but other than fingerprints the guitar is crazy mint and is awesome. Yes, I paid more for it than everything above except for the Jem.

So, I think I'm going to slow down a bit on guitar purchases... so keep an eye out for Pete's Mondo Guitar Sale. I need to get my guitar $ back up to pre purchase levels, and I think there's going to be quite a sacrifice of under $500 guitars.
