The Schecter Jeff Loomis Signature has F$#&&$G Landed BITCHES!!!

After buying that Washburn 7 string when Music123 was blowing them out, I got sucked in hard to the dark side!!! I love 7 string guitar
An old Little League baseball friend of mine works over at Guitar Center and he hooked me up with the stupidest deal on this baby, and I mean stupid
I would like to thank Nick(Jacksonite) for answering my many questions about the guitar
Quick Review:
This thing is ready to shred right out of the box!!!!!!!!
Playability: 9.8
The guitar plays oh so nice, but the neck is a little big
It scared the shit out of me when my friend pulled it out of the box at GC, but after playing it for the last 3 hours..... it is surprisingly comfy and feels great. Other than that and the volume knob is a little too close to where my picking hand rests
but this is an outstanding guitar nonetheless! Oh, and the 26.5 scale length is really not noticeably different to play on than a 25.5 scale guitar and feels really nice from the 12th fret up where my fingers would feel a little bit cramped together with the frets being closer!!!!! Plus it has EMG's and an OFR to boot!!!!!!
Setup: 9.8
The guitar was set up really well right out of the box! Just needed a slight tweakage to taste
Electronics: 10
Everything is wired and working properly and all wiring is neatly bundled and tied together inside the cavity.Very clean looking! Now, time to do the 18 volt mod!
Finish: 9.8
Everything is great except for some slight abrasion/clear damage on the lower horn where it would rest on your leg... it is not really noticeable or obvious, but it is there.
Now it is time to sell all of my 6 stringers and order me a Custom Jackson 7 String

After buying that Washburn 7 string when Music123 was blowing them out, I got sucked in hard to the dark side!!! I love 7 string guitar

An old Little League baseball friend of mine works over at Guitar Center and he hooked me up with the stupidest deal on this baby, and I mean stupid

I would like to thank Nick(Jacksonite) for answering my many questions about the guitar

Quick Review:
This thing is ready to shred right out of the box!!!!!!!!
Playability: 9.8
The guitar plays oh so nice, but the neck is a little big

Setup: 9.8
The guitar was set up really well right out of the box! Just needed a slight tweakage to taste

Electronics: 10
Everything is wired and working properly and all wiring is neatly bundled and tied together inside the cavity.Very clean looking! Now, time to do the 18 volt mod!
Finish: 9.8
Everything is great except for some slight abrasion/clear damage on the lower horn where it would rest on your leg... it is not really noticeable or obvious, but it is there.
Now it is time to sell all of my 6 stringers and order me a Custom Jackson 7 String
