Played an absolutely beatiful natural quilt artist packaged custom 24.
Sure the neck felt fine.. wonderful wood and attention to detail...but
it sounded kind of thin overall. Maybe these are supposed to have
kind of a neutral PUP sound to them? Nothing too tame..nothing too
hot in PUPS? I know..maybe its me...but for $3300.00 i was mildly
interested! Made my new PC-1 Seem like a Steal! I played it through
a new reissue JCM 800 ($1835.00 head only) so its not like i didnt hear
it through a quality amp! Should i be stoned for feeling this way?
I kept thinking to myself (played it for about 30 minutes) "Its a nice
$1700 guitar" IMO if im going to get into the mid $3500 area, i should
spend that on a Brian Moore, or Tom Anderson.
Sure the neck felt fine.. wonderful wood and attention to detail...but
it sounded kind of thin overall. Maybe these are supposed to have
kind of a neutral PUP sound to them? Nothing too tame..nothing too
hot in PUPS? I know..maybe its me...but for $3300.00 i was mildly
interested! Made my new PC-1 Seem like a Steal! I played it through
a new reissue JCM 800 ($1835.00 head only) so its not like i didnt hear
it through a quality amp! Should i be stoned for feeling this way?
I kept thinking to myself (played it for about 30 minutes) "Its a nice
$1700 guitar" IMO if im going to get into the mid $3500 area, i should
spend that on a Brian Moore, or Tom Anderson.