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Any BC Rich info would be great

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  • #16
    could be the angle you shot them at?


    • #17
      oh, does the pickup poles line up with yours?

      I'm considering buying a F spaced to put in there, because my poles are way off.


      • #18
        I thought that too,..but looking at them head on..I'd have to say there is a slight difference on how that area is shaped in its lines. Looks like the poles would be off a bit on the blue one. I'd have to throw the trem back on and string it up to say for sure but using a straightedge, they're off from where they would sit on the neck.

        Interesting as the poles are off on the black one too.
        I'd buy an F-spaced if they're off on yours.


        • #19
          Cool, Hey nice talking to ya!

          I'm going home, see ya 'round the boards.


          • #20
            You too.. again, nice axe.


            • #21
              Originally posted by SDLPLTD View Post
              oh, does the pickup poles line up with yours?

              I'm considering buying a F spaced to put in there, because my poles are way off.

              Mine rarely did. That's why I was always glad my Gunslingers had slanted p'ups.


              • #22
                Ok - got home and can see the pics... NICE!! Looks exactly like a couple I've had, and I would have penned it a non-ClassAxe mid-to-late 80's model.


                • #23
                  Everything on the Yellow ST III is correct,the edge trem etc etc

                  Neal Moser is right about the Neck plates-I have heard it from a few people that worked at BCR at the time,there was a large box in the middle of the assembly table and the guys just grabbed a plate as and when they needed them.
                  I was also told that No-one at BCR took any notice of the serial numbers of the bolt ons,as they were concidered (By BCR) to be relatively unimportant in relation to the thru neck stuff

                  My best guess for your Yellow ST III is 1986-87

                  Nice guitar and a cool colour


                  • #24
                    charvelguy its not the pic its the contour of the neck/headstock transition. thats one of the changes BCR made. also im fairly sure your B0xxx watever has a painted headstock or rosewood cap if it very early. they didnt do that very long, they went to a plastic cap pretty early on.


                    • #25
                      yes, I realize its the contour you are speaking of. It looks like a plastic cap on the black one. It may be rosewood.. the clear is lifting in one spot.

                      The thing that boggles me is the metal backplates/covers on the yellow.
                      I may have one with those, but offhand do not recall. Also, why did BC Rich make plates with varying prefixes; B or BC if they all from the same era of build?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by charvelguy View Post
                        The thing that boggles me is the metal backplates/covers on the yellow.
                        I may have one with those, but offhand do not recall.
                        Nearly all of mine had metal plates, and the ones that didn't had the multi-ply plastic ones.


                        • #27
                          Ha, Cool input from everybody, but it just sounds like STIII's are a bunch of cluster f*ck parts thrown together!


                          • #28
                            Well either way, that yellow guitar looks killer.
                            I'm gonna eat your brains and gain your knowledge.



                            • #29
                              Thanks man , it looks great in the pics, but it's got some road rash. Give it character or mojo I guess. at least I don't have to worry about whacking it during a gig.


                              • #30
                                Nice guitar. Any pics of your '86 Eagle Deluxe?
                                The only solution to GAS is DEATH...

