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Seems fishy to me............

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  • #16
    they look so sweeeeet. snoogans your so right. i remeber ibanez being a rip of comapny and why would nock there work now?
    no sig.....


    • #17
      lol, it says Ibanez and it shows and ESP F series..
      "I hate these filthy neutrals! With enemies, you know where they stand. But with neutrals... who knows? It sickens me!"


      • #18
        Being in Australia, and much closer to the source of these guitars (less shipping costs for us) and the fact the retail of the 'real' guitars over here is beyond the reach of most guitarist (more than $5000 USD for a Gibson LP Custom).... there are quite a few of these floating around. I have seen a LOT of them which needed extensive repairs/mods/servicing just to get them playing even half way right.
        Dodgy fretwork, from both bad workmanship, and unseasoned timbers (timbers drying out, frets pop up as the timber shrinks), bridges which cannot intonate (incorrectly placed bridge and not enough adjustment), broken parts (very low quality pot metal used), and they use a lacquer which literally STINKS. One of my clients ended up leaving their guitar OUTSIDE, it smelt so bad.
        The pickups are real real low grade (they even replicate the epiphone and gibson 'protective film' on them).
        The pictures look great, but the guitars are horrid, horrid pieces of crap. I wouldnt pay $10 even to have one on display.
        If these come from the epiphone factory, only the most incapable employees must work on them, because these guitars are CRAP. At least an Epiphone can be purchased in a playable condition, from my experience these guitars cant.



        • #19
          Now that doesn't surprise me at all, but I still think it's worth doing a review on. It would only take 10 dollar donations from 30 of the 8488 members here. If it's worth a salt, we could raffle it off or something....


          • #20
            Ya, like I said I be more than happy to donate $10 via paypal to anyone willing to take a chance on these.

            Just not brave enough my self. lol Yet.

            An unbiased review from a respected board member would be awesome, to get an insight on these. Not much word on these after googleing, beside the fact that they are fake. And the fact that people bash them based on the fact that they are fake, without ever testing one out first hand.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Burn View Post
              Now that doesn't surprise me at all, but I still think it's worth doing a review on. It would only take 10 dollar donations from 30 of the 8488 members here. If it's worth a salt, we could raffle it off or something....
              I would toss a 10 spot in on that.
              THIS SPACE FOR RENT


              • #22
                Give me about 4 to 6 weeks,I'll give one a shot.. If nothing else,I'll post a bonfire vid.....
                Bon Jovi is like a frozen Coca Cola.. It's cool, it's crunchy, but when all is said and done it is still pop....


                • #23
                  Did you see the Fenders? Check out the chinese serial number on this one....Right above the "USA".

                  Another one says "BUYNS", whatever that is. I don't think I'd send this guy any money.
                  If only I had back the money I gave that TV preacher....


                  • #24

                    Welcome to my shop!

                    elcome to my shop ! i am a honest seller .I will give you my most beautiful and best things.These will give you good lucky and you will be happy.we honesty treat each customer,
                    I will be great pleasure for yours patronage and I'm looking forward to your discussion with me about craft arts or Musical instrument .
                    if you like my goods .

                    I am online 20/7. Thank you

                    Last edited by sk8boardbob2; 05-30-2007, 05:48 PM.


                    • #25
                      So who wants to chat with him on MSN??? lol

                      Hey guys ..... don't know if you've noticed ... His giving away free "guitar boxes". All you have to do is pay $100 for shipping.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by sk8boardbob2 View Post
                        Welcome to my shop!

                        elcome to my shop ! i am a honest seller .I will give you my most beautiful and best things.These will give you good lucky and you will be happy.we honesty treat each customer,
                        I will be great pleasure for yours patronage and I'm looking forward to your discussion with me about craft arts or Musical instrument .
                        if you like my goods .

                        I am online 20/7. Thank you

                        Man, it sounds like his selling fortune cookies and lucky charms. :ROTF:

                        He should really use a online dictionary/translation program like them Nigerian scamers, instead of putting together his own sentences.
                        Last edited by gfunk333; 05-30-2007, 08:03 PM.


                        • #27
                          Surfers beware: I got hit with a bunch of spyware sometime along the same time as viewing that website. Not sure if it specifically came from there but, given the cheesy design and long loads, I have suspicions. Scan yourselves to be safe.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by shreddermon View Post
                            Surfers beware: I got hit with a bunch of spyware sometime along the same time as viewing that website. Not sure if it specifically came from there but, given the cheesy design and long loads, I have suspicions. Scan yourselves to be safe.
                            Firefox with adblock and Noscript is a blessing Sometimes though I think that stuff just happens. One time I got hit browsing the official site for Cort, heh.


                            • #29
                              Do they make a 357 Customs model??


                              • #30
                                They had them, but they had to send them all back to Korea to fix the broken emg pickups. Does he sell mp4 players and laptops too?:ROTF:

