than this one! (but then i always owned the $350 RG's back in the day)
Just scored this one from Hippietim! In near Mint condition, and
what a shred machine! The DiMarzios are much tamer than the Custom/5
of my Charvel, but nothing a bit of EQ boost wont take care of.
What a Hammer/on/Pull Off neck! Could a neck be thinner? I doubt it.
I still like my CS HRF Charvel, and PC-1 better as they have more balls
in the PUPS...but boy is this one sweet fast neck! Anyway just wanted to
share getting a real "Floral JEM" from back in the heyday of Metal!
Thanks again Tim! Oh...and these low profile Trems on these Jems
sure stay in tune! You can dive bomb the strings completely off the neck
and it comes right back! Thinner overall in tone compared to the Charvels, but the neck could not be better...i mean Butta! I think this is
an 89' model?
Just scored this one from Hippietim! In near Mint condition, and
what a shred machine! The DiMarzios are much tamer than the Custom/5
of my Charvel, but nothing a bit of EQ boost wont take care of.
What a Hammer/on/Pull Off neck! Could a neck be thinner? I doubt it.
I still like my CS HRF Charvel, and PC-1 better as they have more balls
in the PUPS...but boy is this one sweet fast neck! Anyway just wanted to
share getting a real "Floral JEM" from back in the heyday of Metal!
Thanks again Tim! Oh...and these low profile Trems on these Jems
sure stay in tune! You can dive bomb the strings completely off the neck
and it comes right back! Thinner overall in tone compared to the Charvels, but the neck could not be better...i mean Butta! I think this is
an 89' model?
