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EVH Frankenstein

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  • #16
    I think some people here are being kind of hypocritical here. I could point a non-guitar player to some of the collection threads on these forums and they would say "Why the hell would someone need all those guitars? You can only play one at a time"

    This is more of a History of Rock collectible than a guitar you're going to take to your gig down at the bar. Would be a nice display with say a replica of Pages Les Paul, Claptons black Strat, SRV replica Strat, etc.

    Pick almost anything, and you will probably be able to find someone who is a collector, no matter how "stupid" most people think their hobby is. Hell, I know a guy who collects cell phones over the last 20 years. Sounds stupid, none of them work anymore, but it's his collection and he loves looking at them.
    My gear
    87 Charvel Model 6
    86 Charvel Model 4
    93 Jackson RR EX
    93 Jackson Kelly STD
    88 Ibanez RG560
    99 Schecter Diamond C-7
    Peavey Bandit 112


    • #17
      I think all that could be have been said about the "new" Frankie has been said and opinions are plentyful and extreme.

      At the end of the day I believe FMIC did blow a gasket pricing it (and the Grover Legacy Series) and their time, money and efforts should have been oriented in solidifying the J/C line rather than marketing the shit out of it. By that I mean; better QC, manufacturing and customer service within the standard prod. stuff and the CS for both Jackson and Charvel.

      But who the fuck am I? just a third tier consumer behind the dealers and big box chains.
      Last edited by Joe_Steeler; 06-18-2007, 09:29 AM.
      Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


      • #18
        If the guitar is worth 25k to a collector as wall art, then I say right on. I don't care what someone else buys and if that money seems like an outlandish waste to me, it is that persons cash to waste or invest however want.

        "Those who know what's best for us, must rise and save us from ourselves!"


        • #19
          Thanks for the interesting hands-on review, Brent.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Glave View Post
            I think some people here are being kind of hypocritical here. I could point a non-guitar player to some of the collection threads on these forums and they would say "Why the hell would someone need all those guitars? You can only play one at a time"

            This is more of a History of Rock collectible than a guitar you're going to take to your gig down at the bar. Would be a nice display with say a replica of Pages Les Paul, Claptons black Strat, SRV replica Strat, etc.

            Pick almost anything, and you will probably be able to find someone who is a collector, no matter how "stupid" most people think their hobby is. Hell, I know a guy who collects cell phones over the last 20 years. Sounds stupid, none of them work anymore, but it's his collection and he loves looking at them.
            I don't believe that a REPLICA guitar is a collectible. I think is more like an expensive toy targeted to the small number of die-hard fanatics of certain artists, like, EVH. Come on, a collectible would be EVH's actual Frankenstein or Eric Clapton's actual Blackie, but a replica? Like I said, I don't see ANY collectible value in owning and displaying a guitar that has been, in the span of some weeks, "treated" to look like it had 20 years of abuse, and like I also said before, this means a guy scratching it, burning it with cigarettes, removing parts, putting stickers on, etc etc. That has NO collectible value compared to the actual history of the real guitar. It just a very expensive instrument because it "looks" like the original.

            Don't get me wrong here, people can buy WHATEVER they want with their money, I'm not against that. But, I do have a personal point of view regarding signature or replica guitars. If a guy comes up saying that he just ordered a 25K custom made guitar, I'd say "hell yeah!". If I had 25K to spare, be certain that it will be spent directly on gear, and I'd have no trouble spending up to 8 grand on a custom made guitar. So it's not like I'm saying that people who buy 25K guitars are idiots or "stupid" at all. All I'm saying is, can you really tell yourself that the guitar hanging on your living room, is NOT the real deal?
            Last edited by LEOKV2; 06-18-2007, 10:34 AM.


            • #21
              Good fucking god, the guy goes out of his way to give a great review of the guitar, and it degenerates into this? There's lots of threads on the Frankie replica with this argument, why don't you invade those instead of ruining what was a thorough discussion of the actual guitar?
              Dreaded Silence - Boston Melancholic Metal


              • #22
                Originally posted by brent View Post
                I've said it before and I'll say it again-

                Expensive guitars are cheap art.

                This ain't marketed to us - it's marketed to people who think nothing of hanging 100's of thousands of dollars or even millions of dollars on their walls.

                $25,000 grand for a replica guitar, put into context vs. a $100,000 lithograph is not really so outlandish, but that's the demographic.
                Yes, Yes, Yes!!!! This is 1000% right on...

                Great review of Franky, probably the closest i'll ever get to "playing" the guitar, thanx!!!


                • #23
                  Hell, you guys think spending $25,000 for a collectible guitar is "stupid," I collected two ex-wives and I spent 10 times that amount.


                  • #24
                    One other thing I'd like to mention. To the person or persons who said they wouldn't own a "signature" guitar, does that also pertain to Les Pauls?


                    • #25
                      Frankenstein replica...what a joke. Previous posts are's target market is a "Unicorn" or "Leprican". You know a mythical creature that doesn't exist. Nothing more than a curio for a 35 year old male Paris Hilton.

                      Eddie has engineered some bonefide stuff. The Wolfgangs, Peavey 5150s,.....hell, the hand striped concert EVH art stuff was tough as nails. But this, this has just gone way overboard $25k for the guitar equivalent of a beat up holey pair of underwear.


                      • #26
                        It's a guitar. Passing judgement on the people that buy them is just plain ignorant and presumptuous.
                        I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                        - Newc


                        • #27
                          Brent, thanks for the review - sounds like it was a fun guitar to try out!
                          I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                          - Newc


                          • #28
                            Great review, Brent...thanks!
                            Tarbaby Fraser.


                            • #29
                              If I had a go on one, I'd probably scratch it! Ooooh hold on, how would the shop tell?
                              Fwopping, you know you want to!

                              VI VI VI: the editor of the Beast!

                              There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary. Those who do and those who don't.


                              • #30
                                It's funny how people said this run will sell instantly like Blackie (whitch BTW did NOT!!).
                                In the last week I had three dealers email me and then call me (personally) to let me know they had Frankies and if I "really" wanted one, something could be worked out.
                                In a week I had three guys peddling this thing to me when this thing was supposed to be sold out, because it was so damned hot.

                                IMHO, some dealers bought Frankies to keep cool with FMIC and all the politics that go along with corporations and now are afraid they will have this dust collectors for months, while their investment money is not presenting revenue.
                                Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.

