
No announcement yet. what do you do with an 8 string Ibanez ??

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Robotechnology View Post
    I'd actually be interested in checking it out IF it has a Low B AND a High A. THAT would rock! Hmm... I wonder if it could be setup for that
    Sure you could set it up that way. But how small would that high string be? I remember reading that when Vai developed the Universe his initial plan was to have a extra high string instead of a low one. But he had to use .08's for the high string and he said they would break very easy. So he went with the low B...
    I'm angry because you're stupid


    • #17
      Originally posted by toejam View Post
      I think it's like a low F# or G, and it pretty much shakes your bowels! I know Dino has at least one by Ibanez, and the Meshuggah guys had a proto done by Ibanez, but they eventually went with Nevborn instead.
      I think it's the other way around; they went from Ibanez to Nevborns on the 7's, and from Nevborn to Ibanez on the 8's.
      Courtesy, Integrity, Self-control, Perseverance, Indomitable Spirit


      • #18
        Did they go with Nevborns for 7s? I think they just went up to the 8s with Nevborn and stuck with them because Ibanez didn't seem too interested in making them at the time. I can't even find the Nevborn website any more, it seems to have vanished.
        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


        • #19
          Originally posted by toejam View Post
          Silly, you pretend you're in the band Meshuggah or Dino Cazares (ex-Fear Factory) and play crushing 8-string low end that just pummels you!!!
          ******** There ya go!


          • #20
            Robotechnology - You could (?) always restring it so It'd have the high A.

            I'd be quite interested in an 8 string - going lower than B/Bb doesn't make much sense to me (for now, maybe I'll be religious about my F# string someday ) but a high A could be interested - kinda like those 29 frets Washburns but better - or a 27/29 fret 7 string in general would be cool.


            • #21
              What to do with an Eight string guitar?

              Check out the music of THIS guy.

              Charlie Hunter who plays the most difficult jazz guitarlines and basslines SIMULTANIOUSLY!

              And here's how he does it and how it sounds.


              • #22
                didnt that guy do a song with john mayer?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by toejam View Post
                  Did they go with Nevborns for 7s? I think they just went up to the 8s with Nevborn and stuck with them because Ibanez didn't seem too interested in making them at the time. I can't even find the Nevborn website any more, it seems to have vanished.
                  Instead of giving you a long "I think they did it this way" post, here's a link to the interview with Mårten Hagstrom. I had the impression the Nev 8's were less than roadworthy, but I don't rememeber where I heard that...
                  Courtesy, Integrity, Self-control, Perseverance, Indomitable Spirit

