Well, I thought it would never happen. I have, on several occasions, sold a bunch of gear with the idea of plunking down some $$$ on a nice acoustic, but then I always found yet another electric to buy instead.
This time, it was different. My local music store got a unique Taylor in, and I FINALLY bit the bullet and bought it. It is an all-Koa, 424 CE SL (Spring Limited Edition), and I am very happy with it. It plays and sounds wonderful, as do most Taylors I've played, and I like the uniqueness of the figured Koa (especially the wicked flame all around the edge), cream binding, and diamond inlays.
Here are the requisite pics, for your viewing pleasure:

I traded in my Marshall 1960A 4x12 and my Kramer Focus 1000, along with a chunk of cash for it. I think that trading a Marshall 4x12 in on an acoustic officially makes me an old man.
Oh well, I could never crank it at home anyway.
This time, it was different. My local music store got a unique Taylor in, and I FINALLY bit the bullet and bought it. It is an all-Koa, 424 CE SL (Spring Limited Edition), and I am very happy with it. It plays and sounds wonderful, as do most Taylors I've played, and I like the uniqueness of the figured Koa (especially the wicked flame all around the edge), cream binding, and diamond inlays.
Here are the requisite pics, for your viewing pleasure:

I traded in my Marshall 1960A 4x12 and my Kramer Focus 1000, along with a chunk of cash for it. I think that trading a Marshall 4x12 in on an acoustic officially makes me an old man.
