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2 new RG's

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  • #16
    Originally posted by shobet View Post
    Did he just take a blow-torch to the body as the neck and plastic binding look ok from the pics.

    And if you can't fix a trem post (by screwing a new one in) you need shooting!

    BTW Bengal aren't you a guitar tech. or am I making shit up again in my delusional little world? Next thing you know I'll be telling you is that I once scared Marilyn Manson!
    Yep, he just took a torch to the body. Once the paint bubbled up, he scraped alot of it off and re-burned the exposed wood. Some paint like around the edges he just heated up and let cool. He had 2 421's, this one he burned. The other he made these metal plates and bolted them to the body. Wanted something different than the standard J-11 RG421...

    Yep, I was a guitar tech. Still am I guess, just not working that craft right now. And changing the trem posts is not a hard process at all. Just screw them in. Thankfully that's all I need and not the inserts. Those can be a bit of a bitch getting out...
    I'm angry because you're stupid


    • #17
      Originally posted by Robert Burns View Post
      Im really partial lately to the 2 pup Ibanez axes.. for some reason i
      just dont need that middle single coil.. You really got a great deal on
      the first one. I didnt know you were friends with Stone Sour! I know
      a celebrity!
      Actually I owe you some thanks. I believe it was you that was talking about searching GC's used section a while ago. I didn't even know they had one. So I checked it out. I check it at least once a day now. So thanks for that one friend!
      I'm angry because you're stupid

