Im in the springs I may have to take you up on that offer
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My Latest Rand Acquisitions
The pink strings are pretty cool.Now you need yellow strings for the other one.
Nice guitars for sure, they remind me of Peavey Vandenbergs for some reason. It's probably the small body and sort of flattened bottom.
I don't have a group shot yet, but here are two pics from last summer of the other 5:
I can't get them outside this time of year and I don't really have a good backdrop for them inside...I'll see if I can come up with something. Maybe someone can photoshop in the other two.
Zeegs, too had yellow strings on it when I got it but I broke one and changed them!Last edited by Rupe; 11-27-2007, 04:39 PM.
So I've been trying to find out some info on these guitars. Seems like they are quite rare, only 500 or so made. Does that sound right? How often to they come up for sale? Where do you find them, ebay and the like? How much do they get?
Sweet guitars. May be a bit of a bitch to find them though...I'm angry because you're stupid
I have been told that there were 50 something production guitars and anywhere from 15-30 preproduction models (with the majority of those being the Misfits "Which" guitars like Joel has. Between tortfeaser and myself, we have 3 "prepro" strat style, and Ron has a prepro V.
My numbers are estimates from Tom Anderson (these were built in Anderson's shop and painted in Pat Wilkins shop by Rand himself)...I have never spoken to Rand Havener myself (although I hope to at some point).
I rarely see them pop up and when I do, its usually in groups. I would guess about 6 have shown up on Ebay over the past two years. Aside from the ones that are owned by other forum members, I only know the whereabouts of two others. If any of you find one and decide that you don't want it for yourself, please pass the lead on to me. That said, if you like the looks and prefer smaller, extremely fast necks, most likely you'll dig these.
Thanks for the info. What do people usually ask for them?
And thanks for the correction on the number made. I seem to think I came across that number in a thread on the Kramer Forum when I googled Rand Guitars...I'm angry because you're stupid
No problem. Anything under $2K is a good deal for one with little or no issues...$1.5K would be a deal for mods beyond an electronics change. Expect to pay between $2 and $4K for near mint to mint unmodded specimens. There are so few of them that its hard to know what the market will do but thats about where its at now.
Although they seem rather expensive, when you consider they had a street price of $2750 back in '87-'88, its not really too bad.