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Kerry King Wartribe

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  • Kerry King Wartribe


    New here. Thinking of adding a B.C. Rich Kerry King Wartribe to the fold. Any advice, pros, cons etc.

    Currently have Jackson SL1 Soloist, Ibanez 540P and a Les Paul.


  • #2
    USA or import?

    I personally hate the ballsack cradle headstock, otherwise I like the USA model.
    Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by zeegler View Post
      USA or import?

      I personally hate the ballsack cradle headstock, otherwise I like the USA model.
      The Wartibe has the Beast headstock, not the Widow (aka ballsack) headstock.

      edit: actually it would appear the USA does indeed have the Widow headstock. It's the import that has the Beast design. My bad.


      • #4
        Originally posted by GiantBaba View Post
        The Wartibe has the Beast headstock, not the Widow (aka ballsack) headstock.

        edit: actually it would appear the USA does indeed have the Widow headstock. It's the import that has the Beast design. My bad.
        Hey no problem, but I hate the import headstock too. The Warlock should have the pointy BCR headstock like they used in the 80s. It just looks better on it. Just MO.

        If you like these type of headstocks though, go for it.
        Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


        • #5
          I like Beast headstock. The 80's headstock is better though. I agree that the Widow "ballsack" should go to the wood chipper.

          My bigest concern is the Kahler tremolo. I have never played one or even seen one for that matter!

          I was looking the one at Musicians Friend. Which I think is Korean.

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          • #6
            FYI: saying a BCR is USA made can be a bit of an innacurate statement. It all depends on the year of the make, for one.

            However, if you're asking about the Handmade version (which until someone can prove me wrong, start out life in Mexico and make their way up to the USs for paint, assembly and setup, but that's another story)...

            I have a Handmade one. Nice guitar. Sloppy inlays. The inlays have gotten a bit tighter over the years but I still say they're sloppy. I've played 2 of Kerry's and one had sloppy inlays, one had tighter inlays. His tech even told me his inlays and paintjobs on his older ones aren't the greatest but Kerry doesn't mind.

            I've seen pics of the new imports with the Kahlers and none of the pics I've seen show them with the proper neck angle for a Kahler. If the saddles on the Kahler are low, it doesn't have enough neck angle. Low saddles on a Kahler mean less tension on the string and the potential for a less bright sound.

            My handmade doesn't have quite the proper neck angle but it's good enough. I've had Neal Moser check it out and he said it pretty much meets his build standards and told me to sell it only if I needed cash.

            I haven't played the imports, so I can't say anything about the build quality of them.

            Kerry has handmade ones with the Beast and Widow headstocks.


            • #7
              Most BCRs have big bodies already and the headstock just adds more size to their guitars. IMO anyways. My Warlock is a great guitar and it is an import.

              Just one more guitar!


              • #8
                Great thread. Now every time I see that headstock I am going to visualize a man's sack hanging there.
                "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
                - Ken M


                • #9

                  Originally posted by Axewielder View Post
                  Great thread. Now every time I see that headstock I am going to visualize a man's sack hanging there.
                  Will a Kramer dildo headstock be any better? :ROTF:
                  I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by toejam View Post
                    Will a Kramer dildo headstock be any better? :ROTF:
                    Nice one!!:ROTF:


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by toejam View Post
                      Will a Kramer dildo headstock be any better? :ROTF:
                      Um, really more of a "lateral move" than an improvement! :ROTF:
                      "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
                      - Ken M


                      • #12
                        That Kramer 1984 headstock is WAAAAAAY cooler.
                        I'm gonna eat your brains and gain your knowledge.



                        • #13
                          venomboy, even the old US handmades had sloppy inlays & flawed finishes. they have gotten alot better over the years. even the simple diamond inlays on the old richs werent perfect. tho if youve seen alot of them you can see when production #s went up. the mid late 70's have nicer inlays & much better R logos. the early 80's they used alot of filler around the R logo. & if you dont see any filler then it was the MOP overlay.


                          • #14
                            One of my old BCRs has sloppy diamond inlays. My Moser 10 has diamond inlays that look like they were CNC'd but they were done by hand.

                            When I showed Neal my Wartribe and complained about the inlays he laughed and said it's typical Mexian luthiers using a big ass dremel and called me a picky SOB.


                            • #15
                              Man, you guys are making me think i might have made a mistake ordering
                              my dream guitar? Its the extremely limited..."WangCaster"! Game over!
                              Now this is a Mushroom headstock!

