OK, so... I got the Kramer I mentioned in the Kramer thread.
A bit sad when I got it... it had been spray-can painted (runs/drips/errors) white over the original Candy-Apple Red.
I got it for a good price, so I left nicey feedback anyhow.
So, I begin to think about my options.
Begin to block-sand it, just to see if there is enough paint there to perhaps clear-coat at my local auto-body shop connection, and make it a proper white pacer.
Then, it happened.
It began to look kinda cool... with the red showing through here and there... and... well... my creative side came out.
Simple responses only please, on the order of:
Wow... man is that ugly spikey
Wow... I dig it
I can always strip off the finish, and paint it Blue, like the one I was trying to replace (owned that one back in the late 80's, and regret selling it).
I must say, the action/tone is freaking out of this world, and the visual is almost a 3-D effect, like, you have to touch it to determine if I actually carved into the surface or not (I didn't... it's smoof).
So, here you have it... let the bloodbath begin.
A bit sad when I got it... it had been spray-can painted (runs/drips/errors) white over the original Candy-Apple Red.
I got it for a good price, so I left nicey feedback anyhow.
So, I begin to think about my options.
Begin to block-sand it, just to see if there is enough paint there to perhaps clear-coat at my local auto-body shop connection, and make it a proper white pacer.
Then, it happened.
It began to look kinda cool... with the red showing through here and there... and... well... my creative side came out.
Simple responses only please, on the order of:
Wow... man is that ugly spikey
Wow... I dig it
I can always strip off the finish, and paint it Blue, like the one I was trying to replace (owned that one back in the late 80's, and regret selling it).
I must say, the action/tone is freaking out of this world, and the visual is almost a 3-D effect, like, you have to touch it to determine if I actually carved into the surface or not (I didn't... it's smoof).
So, here you have it... let the bloodbath begin.
