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So who of you has custom made guitars?

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  • #46
    What, you didn't glitter the fretboard! Very nice job with that! I'll need to upload some photos of my first creation-abomination.
    "Your work is ingenius…it’s quality work….and there are simply too many notes…that’s all, just cut a few, and it’ll be perfect."


    • #47
      Originally posted by sonicsamurai View Post
      thats a great paintjob, and kudos if u did that urself, but that daimond back plate sucks - it looks totally out of place
      Did the whole thing myself.

      The diamond plate actually looks the best after trying black (too dark against all that flake) and white (looked like I missed a paint spot)

      I do find this thread funny in that someone can post a guitar made by the Gods and someone will STILL have something negative to say about it.
      Last edited by Subvamp; 01-05-2008, 08:43 PM.


      • #48
        Look Up...Get Up...And Never EVER Give Up...


        • #49
          thats an absolutely gorgeous quilt, tho i'm not sure i like the hedstock


          • #50
            Originally posted by sonicsamurai View Post
            thats an absolutely gorgeous quilt, tho i'm not sure i like the hedstock
            Dude, apparently there's something you don't like about EVERY guitar!


            • #51
              Originally posted by sonicsamurai View Post
              thats an absolutely gorgeous quilt, tho i'm not sure i like the hedstock
              Yeah it's not for everyone but once you sling the guitar over your shoulder and play a while, ya kinda get over it ya know?
              Look Up...Get Up...And Never EVER Give Up...


              • #52
                Here's my only custom made guitar.

                Damn, I love this Interweb.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Venomboy View Post

                  Moser 10. Holla playas!

                  Actually I have been in contact with Neal to built me a custom Moser genesis model. So far I haven't formally commisioned to start the built (because I first need to have the finances in order) but it'll be his bolt on version with a walnut body and with Duncan 59 pickups.

                  This is how it will look but I want it with a 3x3 tuner headstock and maybe with a Kahler vibrato (I haven't made my mind up yet about that)


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by krimson View Post
                    Here's my only custom made guitar.

                    that's a big piece o' wood!
                    Very cool too. I like the way the tuners are laid out on the 12 string
                    Hail yesterday


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Subvamp View Post
                      Dude, apparently there's something you don't like about EVERY guitar!

                      bwhahahaha!!! DAMN RIGHT I'M PICKY


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Subvamp View Post
                        Did the whole thing myself.

                        The diamond plate actually looks the best after trying black (too dark against all that flake) and white (looked like I missed a paint spot)

                        I do find this thread funny in that someone can post a guitar made by the Gods and someone will STILL have something negative to say about it.
                        how difficult was it to do apaintjob like that. it looks realy difficult to pull off, th ebody work is really good to. i just don't like the diomondplate. maybe if it was smooth and not diomond or u had a backplate painted to match? if u like it tho, who am i to disagree??

