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Recommend 3 pups for an Epi Black Beauty

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  • Recommend 3 pups for an Epi Black Beauty

    I have three main guitars that I really like - a Jackson SL3 with JB and Hot Rails pups, a Jackson RR3 with Invaders and my Epiphone Les Paul Black Beauty which has stock pups.
    I quite like the stock bridge pup, and the neck one isn't too bad - but the guitar is so incredible to play that I'll keep it for good, so I'm thinking I should maybe get some new Duncan pups to bring it up to the same level as my Jacksons.

    It has three pups, with gold covers. The SL3 does rock/metal, the RR3 does very heavy metal - I'm looking for something a little different for the Black Beauty.

    I thought maybe an Alnico II for the bridge (for Slash type sounds), a '59 or Jazz for the neck, and a Phat Cat for the middle.
    How would that all go together? The P-90 type make things a little more varied? I have to say three humbuckers seems a little less tonally varied than you might think.


  • #2
    For the bridge I'd stay with Gibson and go with their 500T pickup. Awesomely good in any Les Paul.
    - Andi Kravljaca -


    • #3
      do it like frampton
      57 classic neck
      57 classic plus middle
      500t bridge


      • #4
        DMZ PAF Pros - Neck & Middle
        DMZ Super Distortion - Bridge
        Out Of Ideas


        • #5
          Originally posted by Frigo89 View Post
          DMZ PAF Pros - Neck & Middle
          DMZ Super Distortion - Bridge
          I agree with that.
          I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


          • #6
            I prefer Duncan's to be honest. I'm also not convinced there's any point in three humbuckers - I just dont think the third pickup offers enough tonal options. I'd probably rather just disconnect the middle pup if I wasn't going to change it for a P90 type.
            Anyone think the P90 middle or middle and neck would be a good idea? I'm really just guessing, and going on what a couple of guys on the Seymour Duncan forum have told me.



            • #7
              Bareknuckle do a humbucker sized P90, if you're prepared to spend that much. I quite like the sound of P90s in mahogany. I love my LP DC special to bits, it's just a pity that the stock pickups on there are so noisy.
              Fwopping, you know you want to!

              VI VI VI: the editor of the Beast!

              There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary. Those who do and those who don't.


              • #8
                Originally posted by shobet View Post
                Bareknuckle do a humbucker sized P90, if you're prepared to spend that much. I quite like the sound of P90s in mahogany. I love my LP DC special to bits, it's just a pity that the stock pickups on there are so noisy.
                I don't know how much those Bareknuckle pups you mention are, but Duncan do the PhatCat which I'd probably use (since I like DUncans! ). I reckon I can get all three from a guy in the US for around £150. Which is a fair bit to spend. Especially since I'd need to pay someone to wire it all up for me so it offers much more than just bridge/bridge-middle/neck, which is just stupid on a guitar with three pickups.



                • #9
                  DiMarzio does a humbucker-sized P90 called the Bluesbucker. They also have the Humbucker From Hell which is like a single coil in humbucker housing.
                  I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                  • #10
                    I would just dissconnect the middle pickup, but if not, use something very single coil sounding like the humbucker fron hell, could be a pretty nice clean sound.

                    My sister used to have a 3 pickup Epi sg, and i didn't care for the middle pickup to be honest.


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Rich#6 View Post
                        do it like frampton
                        57 classic neck
                        57 classic plus middle
                        500t bridge
                        Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Frigo89 View Post
                          DMZ PAF Pros - Neck & Middle
                          DMZ Super Distortion - Bridge
                 could go PAF Pro all the way. I've had it in the bridge of a couple guitars, and it's very capable. The Super Dist is GREAT in LP's, but you said you already had guitars for "teh brootalz".

