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My First BC RICH a BICH !

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  • My First BC RICH a BICH !

    I have wanted one of these since seeing Joe Perry play one back in the 70's. I ebayed this one. Anyhow, guitar and case in the deal..

    I picked up the guitar today, restrung it and set it up. It sounds really nice and plays like butter. The craftsmanship is something to admire. The neck is made from one solid piece that goes the length of the guitar. The upper and lower is mahogany with walnut "stingers" between the maple neck piece and the mahogany. Then to finish it off there is a nice maple top. The fret board is ebony with "cloud" inlays. The neck and headstock is bound.

    This is one impressive piece of work AND it plays and sounds good.

  • #2
    Nice Bich, much nicer than my bolt-on.
    Just one more guitar!


    • #3
      That's kinda cool.
      I am a true ass set to this board.


      • #4
        I was thinking of buying one of these at some point too. I will say this about BCR right now, they make inexpensive guitars look like a $3K custom shop model. Very nice my friend.
        H3LL IS HOME!!!


        • #5
          Hey congrats, man. I've had a few Biches over the years and they're cool guitars. I find 'em a LOT more comfortable to play than Warlocks. I've been Bichless for a few years now, but I have one coming next week. Its an Ebay buy, too.
          I'm not afraid to bleed, but I won't do it for you.


          • #6
            You were influenced by those pics of Joe Perry with his Bich, too, eh?
            Last edited by quiksilver; 02-02-2008, 08:43 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by quiksilver View Post
              You were influenced by those pics of Joe Perry with his Bich, too, eh?
              Yep....and don't forget Brad....


              • #8
                Man, you know you got me going,
                When I was growing up I loved those guitars so much,
                had no cash, so I made my own...

                But made it a "mini bich"!


                • #9


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Cygnus X1 View Post
                    Man, you know you got me going,
                    When I was growing up I loved those guitars so much,
                    had no cash, so I made my own...

                    But made it a "mini bich"!



                    • #11
                      Remember the concert pic of Joe with the Bich strung over his back, while he was playing another guitar? It was on the Double Live Bootleg album. That's the pic that had me dreaming in high school. I would love to get a poster of that.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by quiksilver View Post
                        Remember the concert pic of Joe with the Bich strung over his back, while he was playing another guitar? It was on the Double Live Bootleg album. That's the pic that had me dreaming in high school. I would love to get a poster of that.


                        • #13
                          sorry...I am on a roll !


                          • #14
                            one more thing and I will shut up....we can't forget Paul Chapman. I loved is playing back in the day when he was in UFO. Here is a clip worth watching


                            • #15
                              Nice bich.
                              Really? well screw Mark Twain.

