I have wanted one of these since seeing Joe Perry play one back in the 70's. I ebayed this one. Anyhow, guitar and case in the deal..
I picked up the guitar today, restrung it and set it up. It sounds really nice and plays like butter. The craftsmanship is something to admire. The neck is made from one solid piece that goes the length of the guitar. The upper and lower is mahogany with walnut "stingers" between the maple neck piece and the mahogany. Then to finish it off there is a nice maple top. The fret board is ebony with "cloud" inlays. The neck and headstock is bound.
This is one impressive piece of work AND it plays and sounds good.

I picked up the guitar today, restrung it and set it up. It sounds really nice and plays like butter. The craftsmanship is something to admire. The neck is made from one solid piece that goes the length of the guitar. The upper and lower is mahogany with walnut "stingers" between the maple neck piece and the mahogany. Then to finish it off there is a nice maple top. The fret board is ebony with "cloud" inlays. The neck and headstock is bound.
This is one impressive piece of work AND it plays and sounds good.
