Well...sort of. I picked up this little Rich on ebay a while back. One of the real NJ series with the cool headstock shape. In the first pic, you can see that it looks red. When I got it, I discovered it is much more pink than red. I was actually ok with that, as it screams 80's. The back of the neck is painted too. As you can also see in the first pic, some smart guy added a duncan QP in the neck and had to route for tha p/u tab. Looks like he used the end of a spoon to do the job. And what the hell is the black bar in front of the kahler?

I had fully intended on covering it up anyway when I bought it. So I go to slap a black 1 hum pickguard on it...and see that it wont fit. It's too big. The bridge is way too close for it to sit on the body. Shit...now I gotta fashion a template and have one custom made. No big deal. Chuck and super tech Steve took care of it. Once I had sent off the template to have it made, I became a little curious as to why a standard pickguard wouldn't fit. Didn't make sense. I get out a tape measure, and son of a bitch...the guitar has a 24-3/4 scale. I have measured it a dozen times. Kooky..never knew these were like that.
OK, enough talk. I got the pickguard back and put it together today. I also swapped the Kahler Flyer for a super nice Kahler pro. The pickup is a black Duncan. The little sticker on back says BJ. It has 2 rows of adjustable pole pieces (hex style poles, like a Screamin demon). It was in the guitar when I got it, so I decided to just go with it. Strung it up, and half assed set it up so I could play it. It needs a little more work, but it looks pretty swank-ass I think.

I had fully intended on covering it up anyway when I bought it. So I go to slap a black 1 hum pickguard on it...and see that it wont fit. It's too big. The bridge is way too close for it to sit on the body. Shit...now I gotta fashion a template and have one custom made. No big deal. Chuck and super tech Steve took care of it. Once I had sent off the template to have it made, I became a little curious as to why a standard pickguard wouldn't fit. Didn't make sense. I get out a tape measure, and son of a bitch...the guitar has a 24-3/4 scale. I have measured it a dozen times. Kooky..never knew these were like that.
OK, enough talk. I got the pickguard back and put it together today. I also swapped the Kahler Flyer for a super nice Kahler pro. The pickup is a black Duncan. The little sticker on back says BJ. It has 2 rows of adjustable pole pieces (hex style poles, like a Screamin demon). It was in the guitar when I got it, so I decided to just go with it. Strung it up, and half assed set it up so I could play it. It needs a little more work, but it looks pretty swank-ass I think.
