I've wanted one of these since ESP first introduced them in 2005. Spotted a nice one on ebay and I had to grab it.
I just received it yesterday. It's been sitting in it's case at the sellers parents attic for two years since his band went 'tits up' (whatever that means, loony brit)
It's one of the original UC's (they've apparently started making these again).
Out of the case, it's pretty much like new. After some tlc (new set of strings, some oil for the fretboard, and a good setup), the guitar just screams!
I'm really surprised how thick the neck is. Much fatter than my Jacksons. Good exception for the rule I guess. Actually it's almost as thick as the neck on my LP Studio.
All in all, it's a pretty badass guitar...for an ESP.
Here's some pics (shot just after I got it, in case someone wants to mention the floyd).
More pics here:
I just received it yesterday. It's been sitting in it's case at the sellers parents attic for two years since his band went 'tits up' (whatever that means, loony brit)
It's one of the original UC's (they've apparently started making these again).
Out of the case, it's pretty much like new. After some tlc (new set of strings, some oil for the fretboard, and a good setup), the guitar just screams!
I'm really surprised how thick the neck is. Much fatter than my Jacksons. Good exception for the rule I guess. Actually it's almost as thick as the neck on my LP Studio.
All in all, it's a pretty badass guitar...for an ESP.
Here's some pics (shot just after I got it, in case someone wants to mention the floyd).
More pics here: