Well it went from looking like a blotched up spraycan-painted black and red mess back to the olympic white it was originally finished in.

And trust me, getting it to look like this took a LOT of work. Not just the removal of the red spray paint but also sanding out the big scratches using 1000 grid sandpaper and buffing it to a shine again.
Considering that I am aiming to sell this one on, it was well worth it, it looks the part now which cannot be said about how it looked before the overhaul

And trust me, getting it to look like this took a LOT of work. Not just the removal of the red spray paint but also sanding out the big scratches using 1000 grid sandpaper and buffing it to a shine again.
Considering that I am aiming to sell this one on, it was well worth it, it looks the part now which cannot be said about how it looked before the overhaul