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New Concept for a Warmoth

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  • New Concept for a Warmoth

    After seeing the thread regarding the new Charvel line being released, it gave me an idea for a new Warmoth. I hope you all don't mind me floating an idea here. No pics (yet).

    I have a lot of parts lying around, most critically a strat head neck. The neck is quartersawn maple with a maple fingerboard, jumbo frets, black dots and a corian nut. The tuners on it are Schaller minis.

    I decided upon an alpine white strat body with an HXH route, angled switch, and two pots. The electronics route will be on the back.

    I have a Schaller 475 bridge lying around. So, this will be a hardtail. EMG 85/81s will round out the pup duties. The back will be routed for a double battery box, so as to incorporate the 18v mod for the EMGs.

    To summarize, white body, maple/maple neck. All hardware is black.

    The only items I had to buy for this build were the body, the battery box, and the neck screws. Everything else I already have in my spare parts bin.

    Love it? Hate it? Crawl back under the rock from whence you came?
    The Guitars:
    Jackson USA SL2H, Jackson Performer PS-4, Gibson Les Paul Studio Gothic, Ibanez JS-1000, B.C. Rich Mockingbird ST, Martin GPCPA5 Acoustic, 14 Warmoth customs, Ibanez Artcore AS73, Ibanez Prestige SR1000EFM Bass
    The Amps:
    Peavey JSX 212 with JSX 412 cabinet, Ampeg B2R with Ampeg Portaflex PF210HE cabinet

  • #2
    Sounds good but why don't you make the body yourself? It isn't as hard as people make it sound and paying Warmoth 200+ for a unfinished POS is ridiculous. If you don't have the tools maybe you could use a friends/relatives

    Also, why in Gods name do you have hundreds of dollars worth of parts just laying around?
    Jackson Dinky Rev. Pro
    Jackson Kelly (KE3?), Lawrence equipped
    Ibanez RG320
    Ensanada Acoustic
    Peavey Bandit 112
    Soon to Be:


    • #3
      Originally posted by JacksonCharvelESP View Post
      Sounds good but why don't you make the body yourself? It isn't as hard as people make it sound and paying Warmoth 200+ for a unfinished POS is ridiculous. If you don't have the tools maybe you could use a friends/relatives

      Also, why in Gods name do you have hundreds of dollars worth of parts just laying around?
      Actually, it is easier for me to order a made body that is finished (and is not a POS, btw) than it is for me to make one. I just don't have the time to cut and finish a body. I've got a router, etc., but the one commodity that I don't have is time.

      Regarding the parts, I've been playing since '83 and have tinkered with all guitars I have, and have ever had. That said, I have a lot of spare parts.
      The Guitars:
      Jackson USA SL2H, Jackson Performer PS-4, Gibson Les Paul Studio Gothic, Ibanez JS-1000, B.C. Rich Mockingbird ST, Martin GPCPA5 Acoustic, 14 Warmoth customs, Ibanez Artcore AS73, Ibanez Prestige SR1000EFM Bass
      The Amps:
      Peavey JSX 212 with JSX 412 cabinet, Ampeg B2R with Ampeg Portaflex PF210HE cabinet


      • #4
        sounds like a good idea , what pup configuration are you thinking of?

        EDIT i should really read carefully before posting lol
        Say, I smell bacon.Does anyone else smell bacon?
        Yeah, I definitely smell a pork product of some type.


        • #5
          "for a unfinished POS is ridiculous"

          Yea, I'm not sure why that comment was made.


          • #6
            I gotta say for the amount of work and cost of wood, it is tough to be the prices at Mojo Bodies. Talk to Denny for what you need. You won't regret it.
            Custom Guitars, Refinish and restorations.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Learn Guitars View Post
              I gotta say for the amount of work and cost of wood, it is tough to be the prices at Mojo Bodies. Talk to Denny for what you need. You won't regret it.
              +1 and you will get the Charvel triangle rear rout from Mojo, not the giant Cavern rout that Warmoth supplies.
              Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bengal65 View Post
                +1 and you will get the Charvel triangle rear rout from Mojo, not the giant Cavern rout that Warmoth supplies.
                + a gazillion. That in addition to the ontario route are some of the ugliest routes out there.


                • #9
                  You are close to what I am doing to my warmoth parts mutt, i am going to refinish it alpine white, all black hardware, mine will also have a black pickguard and no battery box as i dont care for active pickups. here is a pic of her now, accept she is put back together., once summer is over and I have more time then i start the process.

                  Webshots, the best in Desktop Wallpaper, Desktop Backgrounds, and Screen Savers since 1995.

                  Originally posted by DocNrock View Post
                  After seeing the thread regarding the new Charvel line being released, it gave me an idea for a new Warmoth. I hope you all don't mind me floating an idea here. No pics (yet).

                  I have a lot of parts lying around, most critically a strat head neck. The neck is quartersawn maple with a maple fingerboard, jumbo frets, black dots and a corian nut. The tuners on it are Schaller minis.

                  I decided upon an alpine white strat body with an HXH route, angled switch, and two pots. The electronics route will be on the back.

                  I have a Schaller 475 bridge lying around. So, this will be a hardtail. EMG 85/81s will round out the pup duties. The back will be routed for a double battery box, so as to incorporate the 18v mod for the EMGs.

                  To summarize, white body, maple/maple neck. All hardware is black.

                  The only items I had to buy for this build were the body, the battery box, and the neck screws. Everything else I already have in my spare parts bin.

                  Love it? Hate it? Crawl back under the rock from whence you came?


                  • #10
                    Nobody else does the hollow option like Warmoth does. Their trimmed-down neck heel is pretty nice, and I've otherwise only seen drop-top binding on very expensive Suhrs.
                    please don't put it into words, 'cause I fear what you're thinking

