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Frankenstien revisited kinda pick heavy

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  • Frankenstien revisited kinda pick heavy

    Ok som eof you may remember my original frankenstien. and when it broke. I tried to fix it. The fix worked but the body was cracked and weakened from all the doweling and redrilling and pounding of th eposts to make em go in. etc...
    The original

    the repair

    Then the newest rendition.
    The raw body front

    Raw body back

    ooooo a mesa box whats in it?

    nothin in it just air. hmm maybe hes building an air guitar.

    after second coat of primer

    after 3rd coat of primer and ready for painting

    some of the pics or the process (ie the B/W) arent available due to camera failure.
    after painted black, taped for the white and taped for the red paint.
    back ready for red paint

    I found a white guitar and i want to paint it red

    Red back

    after 2 coats of red and removing tape. front


    and the end result.

    Theres still some minor tweaking , like realigning the bridge pup to align with the strings better. taking off the corners of the middle pup rout to slip the switch in cus i forgot todo it ahead of time. and then touching up the paint there.
    I intonated it and set it up the other day at work. and its a monster in tone. Very light in weight and has that nice airy sound to it like the production frankies do. Now im considering changing the frets out to the tall thin ones. Like the ones on my Wolfgang.
    The paint job isnt perfect but either am I. Im happy with it. and i guess thats whats important. Altho it is close enough to have fooled some people at work even my boss asked "When did that come in?". When i was carrying it and he say the body. So im happy with it.

  • #2
    Using a box as a spray cabin. Brilliant! Why couldn't I think of that before!
    I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


    • #3
      Wow! Nice job man.
      I'm angry because you're stupid


      • #4
        Nicely done my brother!
        Very nicely done indeed...
        Keep it up.
        "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


        • #5
          Nice work!
          Charvel 7308 (TMZ 008), Charvel Pro-mod (yellow), Jackson Soloist Custom (Yellow), Jackson SL2H-V Natural, Gibson LPS DB, Gibson LPS EB, Gibson LPCC C, Charvel Model 2 (scalloped), Jackson DK2M (white), Charvel Journeyman, Fender Classic Player 60's strat, Carvin C66, Musikraft strat mutt, Warmoth Strat mutt, Fender MIM Jazz bass, Epiphone Classical, Takamine parlor. Marshall 2203, Marshall JVM 210H, Splawn Nitro, Fender Supersonic 22, Line 6 AX2 212, Marshall 4X12.


          • #6
            Thanks guys. This was a really fun project to do. I forgot to mention the specs.
            The body is 2 piece Alder. and is really light in weight. The neck is an old EPS era Kramer Striker neck. (pointy end) Gold Schaller tuners. Gold OFR with the original gold lock nut both from said Kramer. (nut is rear bolted to neck.) The pup is a 2000 Gibson PAF from a LP std flame top. The non connected single in the neck is a Japanese squier pup. And of course the std EVH screw eye strap buttons.


            • #7


              • #8
                Looks good man!


                • #9
                  rebump just because.

