Wow, guess word's been out on this for a while, but that new Imperial looks AMAZING. Wish there were more shots of it, but it looks like the younger brother of my trans-red B series Pacer Special.
If the profile is the same as the one I have you guys are going to want to check these out. Shame they won't have the old Schaller pups (which I think make the old pacers sound like....well, pacers).
They are poplar bodies....the grain underneath the blue looks just like mine does. Very pronounced.
$1000 USA Charvels, quickly followed by $1000 USA Kramers.
Thread did piss me off because it reminded me that nhspike put that stratheat up for $750 on the bay. Still kicking myself for not getting after that.
Oh- Fuel for the fire- They won't use Korean floyds- Schaller made only.