I have seen the new Dean Zelinski model, or at least the first model, of his new line. I even forgot the new company name DBZ or something like that.
I was hoping for a fresh start, a way for him to dispell the horrible mistakes of years past.
Well.....I guess you can't get grapes off a walnut tree. The fucker IS insane. It is a Soltero, or whatever it is that hideous beast Leslie West plays, with some tweaks. The axe he pushed out as an example of the "new" company is finished in some sort of mutant alligator finish that made me go to the bathroom and squeeze a 14" thick as a Coke can turd.
I don't know if I have said this before around here but Dean guitars are uglier than a kick in the nutz by David Beckham wearing a Dutch wooden clog.
Hey! to each its own and we all have opinions like we have assholes, but damn!! why? just what makes this man thinks those abortions are in any way goood looking or a piece of guitar craft.
Now there will be two (2) companies shitting out similar wooden and wire feces. You know what some advanced civilization, visiting earth in a million years, will say if they see those puke balls? those humans were totally fucked up and obviously didin't know their rock 'n roll form a microwave light-year transmission if it hit them in the face.
Way to go Mr. Deangelberry
I was hoping for a fresh start, a way for him to dispell the horrible mistakes of years past.
Well.....I guess you can't get grapes off a walnut tree. The fucker IS insane. It is a Soltero, or whatever it is that hideous beast Leslie West plays, with some tweaks. The axe he pushed out as an example of the "new" company is finished in some sort of mutant alligator finish that made me go to the bathroom and squeeze a 14" thick as a Coke can turd.
I don't know if I have said this before around here but Dean guitars are uglier than a kick in the nutz by David Beckham wearing a Dutch wooden clog.
Hey! to each its own and we all have opinions like we have assholes, but damn!! why? just what makes this man thinks those abortions are in any way goood looking or a piece of guitar craft.
Now there will be two (2) companies shitting out similar wooden and wire feces. You know what some advanced civilization, visiting earth in a million years, will say if they see those puke balls? those humans were totally fucked up and obviously didin't know their rock 'n roll form a microwave light-year transmission if it hit them in the face.
Way to go Mr. Deangelberry