I got this one from a really cool guy over at Jemsite, who went out of his way to act as the middleman on my behalf. I just frikkin' love these Ibbys from 87'-94'......especially the custom graphic ones.

As you can see this isn't the original neck.......it's from a 91' RG-565. I'm concentrating on making two cool guitars out of this one. I have a line on an RG-760 neck for the USCG body.....bound sharktooth neck which is the same neck that was originally on it. As for the 565 part of the equation, I snagged an RG-560 body off of Ebay that's been sanded down and had the middle singlecoil position filled in. It might take awhile,but in the end I'll have a couple keepers.

As you can see this isn't the original neck.......it's from a 91' RG-565. I'm concentrating on making two cool guitars out of this one. I have a line on an RG-760 neck for the USCG body.....bound sharktooth neck which is the same neck that was originally on it. As for the 565 part of the equation, I snagged an RG-560 body off of Ebay that's been sanded down and had the middle singlecoil position filled in. It might take awhile,but in the end I'll have a couple keepers.
