ignore the cut up guitars in photo. Had to remove the regular painted guitars since I don't have seperate pics
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The big show your trans/natural guitars thread
Dean MAB2 Aviator Signed
Dean MAB1 Armor Flame Signed #3
Dean RC7 Rusty Cooley 7
ESP Horizon NTII
Jackson SL1 USA
Jackson PC1 USA
Ibanez RGA-121
Ibanez PGM 301
Ibanez UV777BK Strung to high A
Maton EBG808 TE (Tommy E)
Alvarez CY127CE
Click here for my You Tube Page!!!!
Beautiful guitars above. I'm humbly posting mine. First, there are 7 Warmoths I built with trans finishes. Here they are together, along with a White Warmoth Strat that I guess I'll post in the White Guitar thread.
And then there is my Jackson SL2H in trans natural.
The Guitars:
Jackson USA SL2H, Jackson Performer PS-4, Gibson Les Paul Studio Gothic, Ibanez JS-1000, B.C. Rich Mockingbird ST, Martin GPCPA5 Acoustic, 14 Warmoth customs, Ibanez Artcore AS73, Ibanez Prestige SR1000EFM Bass
The Amps:
Peavey JSX 212 with JSX 412 cabinet, Ampeg B2R with Ampeg Portaflex PF210HE cabinet
Sorry to be late to the party! Some VERY SERIOUSLY NICE guitars in this thread...
Here are some from my side:
Godin Summit CT
Godin LG Signature