Went to GC to get some banjo strings and found this 92 RG 550 in flip flop purple.V7/S1/V8 all original and played to death.
I'm a sucker for maple/maple necks so home it came.
Cleaned up adjusted,new strings and she's a rocker.
Not a bad score for $250.00 no case but I had a new Ibanez case just for this very reason in my case stash.I knew a 550 would crop up eventually.Mirror pickguard too.
F2 so I assume 92 it has the angled neck plate.
I'm a sucker for maple/maple necks so home it came.
Cleaned up adjusted,new strings and she's a rocker.
Not a bad score for $250.00 no case but I had a new Ibanez case just for this very reason in my case stash.I knew a 550 would crop up eventually.Mirror pickguard too.
F2 so I assume 92 it has the angled neck plate.
