I know that sounds really confusing. Let me explain. For the past couple of months, I have been dying to get a new guitar. I hunted through Ebay, Craiglist, and a couple of local shops. I then remembered that I have a guitar in my gargage. I know, for shame...Anyway, I monkeyed through the garage (which is a storage unit) and grabbed my prize. The first guitar I ever owned, an Aria Pro II ZZ Deluxe (modified). Amazingly the case is still near mint.

I opened it and saw this:
I was amazed at how good it looked. Here's a another shot:
I didn't clean this before photos

Everything is original except the trem which was swapped out for a Kahler c.1984. Besides a clean up and a fresh set of strings, it's in really good shape. This has a tone knob, my Jackson does not, so it's kinda cool being able to roll the tone down and get a deep sound out of it when I play Sabbath. However, there is a BIG difference between this and my Jackson. I guess the moral of the story is, if you want a new guitar, just look around you.

I opened it and saw this:

I was amazed at how good it looked. Here's a another shot:
I didn't clean this before photos

Everything is original except the trem which was swapped out for a Kahler c.1984. Besides a clean up and a fresh set of strings, it's in really good shape. This has a tone knob, my Jackson does not, so it's kinda cool being able to roll the tone down and get a deep sound out of it when I play Sabbath. However, there is a BIG difference between this and my Jackson. I guess the moral of the story is, if you want a new guitar, just look around you.
