Well, last night I accidently destroyed my Ibanez Gio body. I took it apart and I was going to paint it and customize it. But when walking out of my work area, I tripped on an extension cord which somehow brought down the Gio body, and my tool box ontop of it. It's dinged up fairly bad, and broke the pickup I left inside. So for now this project is dead, however, this gives me permission for a new guitar
Well about 2 months ago, my only enemy in the world's band was playing a show, and for some reason left their 2 guitars on their front lawn. Well they got stolen and he's been butt hurt ever since. Yesterday I went on into Cash Converters and there they were, an Epiphone Les Paul with a Gibson truss rod cover, and my enemies "old" guitar, the B.C. Rich Ironbird NJ Series .
I debated long and hard (about 2 minutes) until I found myself putting money down on the guitar, $40 to be exact. The guitar is now 20% mine and 80% CC's
Mainly I was wondering if he found me playing it live (or showing off to him), and if he could get the police to get me to give up the guitar. I love this thing, and have many big plans for it, and this is the only Ironbird I've seen in Windsor, and it's his to boot so I'd love to keep it. Can anybody help me out?
Also pics will come in time, mainly next week when I get it.

Well about 2 months ago, my only enemy in the world's band was playing a show, and for some reason left their 2 guitars on their front lawn. Well they got stolen and he's been butt hurt ever since. Yesterday I went on into Cash Converters and there they were, an Epiphone Les Paul with a Gibson truss rod cover, and my enemies "old" guitar, the B.C. Rich Ironbird NJ Series .

I debated long and hard (about 2 minutes) until I found myself putting money down on the guitar, $40 to be exact. The guitar is now 20% mine and 80% CC's

Mainly I was wondering if he found me playing it live (or showing off to him), and if he could get the police to get me to give up the guitar. I love this thing, and have many big plans for it, and this is the only Ironbird I've seen in Windsor, and it's his to boot so I'd love to keep it. Can anybody help me out?
Also pics will come in time, mainly next week when I get it.