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Half bad news, more so good news.

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  • Half bad news, more so good news.

    Well, last night I accidently destroyed my Ibanez Gio body. I took it apart and I was going to paint it and customize it. But when walking out of my work area, I tripped on an extension cord which somehow brought down the Gio body, and my tool box ontop of it. It's dinged up fairly bad, and broke the pickup I left inside. So for now this project is dead, however, this gives me permission for a new guitar

    Well about 2 months ago, my only enemy in the world's band was playing a show, and for some reason left their 2 guitars on their front lawn. Well they got stolen and he's been butt hurt ever since. Yesterday I went on into Cash Converters and there they were, an Epiphone Les Paul with a Gibson truss rod cover, and my enemies "old" guitar, the B.C. Rich Ironbird NJ Series .

    I debated long and hard (about 2 minutes) until I found myself putting money down on the guitar, $40 to be exact. The guitar is now 20% mine and 80% CC's

    Mainly I was wondering if he found me playing it live (or showing off to him), and if he could get the police to get me to give up the guitar. I love this thing, and have many big plans for it, and this is the only Ironbird I've seen in Windsor, and it's his to boot so I'd love to keep it. Can anybody help me out?

    Also pics will come in time, mainly next week when I get it.

  • #2
    You should call the police, so the bastards who stole it can get what they deserve!


    • #3
      if he were my enemy Id drop the tool box on his old/your new guitar or play a show, make sure hes in the audience, and then destroy it at the end of the set. Whatever you do keep the reciept.
      My Childrens
      Lefty Ke2 ferrari red w blk bevels
      Lefty RR1T trans black
      Lefty Sl2HT trans black
      Lefty SLSMG!!!!


      • #4
        Even though it's your "enemy" you should put yourself in their shoes for a minute and think about if it was your guitar hanging in the pawn shop for sale after some bastard stole it and someone else put $40.00 down on it knowing good and well it was stolen. The other thing is not only can your "enemy" go after the pawn shop for receiving stolen goods they can make you give up the guitar and forfeit whatever you have paid on it as well. You're in a lose lose situation.


        • #5
          If he finds the guitar, it will be 100% his and 0% yours. It's his guitar, and the police will be on his side. Put yourself in his shoes.


          • #6
            Shouldn't have bought them...

            As you said, if he ever sees you play them live or saw them at your place, you'll have some tough explaining to do.

            And knowingly purchasing goods that you KNEW were stolen... you could be in legal trouble in many states.

            And think of alternate possibilities... if you had call the police, or at least notified the guy instead, and he could get his guitars back... maybe you guys wouldn't be "enemies" anymore.

            - Leo.


            • #7
              Even as vengeful as I am, and how I hold grudges (some a decade old) I have to say... you should do the right thing and hook your enemy back up with his guitars. I'm not saying that you should pay for them by any means, but it really isn't right to keep them, no matter what a prick the guy might be.

              Think of it this way... if it was your guitars that were stolen. Hopefully you wouldn't be stupid enough to leave them out in the open like he did, but that isn't the point. To some people their guitars are like their kids. At least that it how mine are to me.

              Even if it is a difficult thing for you to do, even knowing that your enemy or even most people probably wouldn't do the same... just doing that will prove that you are a better person than most.
              Last edited by Musician78; 06-08-2009, 06:40 PM.
              "I would have banned you for taking part in hijacking and derailing a thread when you could have started your own thread about your own topic." - Unknown


              • #8
                Since I’m not in your situation or know your level of hatred for the guy, I just can’t pass judgment here but will say for karma sake, I personally would have notified the police. Like I said though, I don’t walk in your shoes or know what kinda douche this guy is. Back to your question, I think you can definitely lose the property if it is discovered to be stolen regardless of how you obtained it. If the dude filed a police report or can prove it is his, it’s my understanding that it is considered evidence. Additionally, if it can be proven you had knowledge that it was stolen and bought it anyway, you can be charged with receiving stolen property. Can anyone confirm or deny?


                • #9
                  I could get anyone of my friends to deny that I knew it was stolen and bought it, I have been creaming over these for like a year.

                  What if I changed the backplate and painted the guitar :P

                  I also know for a fact that if one of my guitars got stolen, he wouldn't call the cops or notify me. He'd buy it and destroy it. He's tried it.


                  • #10
                    Personally I would Contact him and let him know you found his guitar. I paid this amount for it to get it for you (Show receipt)

                    That in my opinion would be the right thing to do


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MetalHeadMat View Post
                      I could get anyone of my friends to deny that I knew it was stolen and bought it, I have been creaming over these for like a year.

                      What if I changed the backplate and painted the guitar :P

                      I also know for a fact that if one of my guitars got stolen, he wouldn't call the cops or notify me. He'd buy it and destroy it. He's tried it.
                      Whatever you do, remember that one day you will look back that either be pround of what you did, or be ashamed. I am ashamed of a lot of things I did when I was younger. Sounds cheesy I know, but I am serious.
                      "I would have banned you for taking part in hijacking and derailing a thread when you could have started your own thread about your own topic." - Unknown


                      • #12
                        Thanks everybody for your opinions and help, also Musician78 I do have some things I'm ashamed of, but I know this wont be one of them.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Southpaw View Post
                          Personally I would Contact him and let him know you found his guitar. I paid this amount for it to get it for you (Show receipt)

                          That in my opinion would be the right thing to do
                          + a million.

                          I had a guitar stolen from me and it wound up in a pawn shop. I paid $100 to get it back. I was 16 and didn't know that I could have involved the cops, otherwise I would have. Guitar thieves suck ass; you have an opportunity to do something very good. Don't blow that off.

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                          • #14
                            After reading the rest of the thread, if you keep that guitar, man, you're a fuckin' douche. End of story. You're also a dumbass for not watching where you're going and pulling a toolbox down on your guitar.

                            Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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                            • #15
                              i gotta side with sully on this one. enemy or not. pawn shop or not. like someone else suggested, let him know you found his guitar and you put money on it so they couldnt get rid of it. then let him get it out and pay you what you put down on it. who knows you may be able to say you dont have ANY enemies.

                              the good news is that it was only an ibanez gio.
                              Last edited by jdr94; 06-08-2009, 08:06 PM.

