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Thinking of trading for Model 6 !

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  • Thinking of trading for Model 6 !

    There is this nice Model 6 for sale locally. The guy wants 600$, but will accept trades. I have my 2x12 xxx peavey Cab i could offer plus maybe my brand new Dunlop Crybaby 535q that i bought and never really used. (turns out i am more of a morley guy). And maybe a bit of cash. Problem is, i know these aren't worth THAT much and i could probably wait a bit and buy one for less this summer, but i really dig this guitar and the fact that i could try it out first. The worst thing is that there was one exactly the same (Red model 6) last summer for sale for 320$ and i knew nothing of 80's charvels and i thought only the strathead charvels were worth any money (don't laugh at me lol). Anyways this could be the same one, but damn it now that i am going to Jackson/Charvel i need it to breathe!!! lol

    This is a picture. The owner has confirmed that the middle pick-up is back where it should be . I know i could probably get him for 400-450, but i don't feel like paying for it right now. I have a bit of loose gear i needed to move anyways so I'd rather trade and some cash or wait til the end of the summer and buy a USA Jackson instead.

    So i guess all i am asking of ye, my beloved congregation of experienced and knowledgeable collectors , is this truly worth it.

    Last edited by Fender; 03-20-2010, 12:16 AM. Reason: Forgot picture!

  • #2
    The model 6s have sold for over a grand on occasion. 600 is about what they should sell for.


    • #3
      Make sure in your heart it is what you need/want. Even something as silly as the 3 switches not being a 5 way can get confusing/annoying if you are not used to it, or don't have the time/desire to "get used to it".

      Just sayin'!


      • #4
        Originally posted by wanthairspray View Post
        Make sure in your heart it is what you need/want. Even something as silly as the 3 switches not being a 5 way can get confusing/annoying if you are not used to it, or don't have the time/desire to "get used to it".

        Just sayin'!
        Nah i really dig that. I was a BC Rich ST-III guy long before i started playing with Ibanez's and Jacksons. As far as price goes, these can make it to a 1000$ ? Aren't they all made in Japan ? I guess they are the vintage equivalent to an SL3. I'll see what he wants for it. I'll let this one pass if it's not what i want to pay for. I'd rather save up my pennies and get my a USA later on, but if i can get him down to where i want him ; I'll take a stab at it!

        Thanks guys!


        • #5
          I prefer bolt-on guitars personally, but those are very nice guitars. I'd check it out in person.

          Also, it looks like that one has a JT6 system. I had one for years and it was fine...just that changing that to an OFR may be a little more work, particularly at the nut.


          • #6
            Just leave the string lock on there no need to change that.An OFR will fit no problem but it will make the e strings a bit closer to the edge of the fretboard because the JT-6 is regular spaced.
            The model 6's are awesome guitars I would work on him and do some trading to lower your cash out lay.Yes a very clean original 6 can bring $600- $800 to the right person even in this economy.
            Get over the made in Japan phobia you have they have always made great guitars.
            I wouldn't trade my MIJ 88 Squire strat for a current USA one any day.
            IMO nothing like an SL3 top mount floyd and a comfy neck angle make them much nicer to play.
            Neck shape is different too.Much better quality as well.
            Last edited by straycat; 03-22-2010, 11:58 PM.
            Really? well screw Mark Twain.


            • #7
              Originally posted by straycat View Post
              Just leave the string lock on there no need to change that.An OFR will fit no problem but it will make the e strings a bit closer to the edge of the fretboard because the JT-6 is regular spaced.
              The model 6's are awesome guitars I would work on him and do some trading to lower your cash out lay.Yes a very clean original 6 can bring $600- $800 to the right person even in this economy.
              Get over the made in Japan phobia you have they have always made great guitars.
              I wouldn't trade my MIJ 88 Squire strat for a current USA one any day.
              IMO nothing like an SL3 top mount floyd and a comfy neck angle make them much nicer to play.
              Neck shape is different too.Much better quality as well.
              It's not a phobia, far from it. I only have one or two USA made's right now, while the rest are japanese. A Fernandes , my Dk2s, my current Ibanezs. I've had a ton of Ibanez, and they are probably the best guitars I've encountered til now. The only thing i fancy more in the USA's is the style and equipment. With the exception of the trem, which i understand even the USA made Jacksons had Jt6's at times, i like that they came with seymours, or dimarzios , the finishes seem to be nicer and at times, more original. Again, it's no phobia, but it was important to know if the Charvel could be compared to the Jacksons. It's kind of like trying to know if the store brand hot dog is as good as the top brand. They are the same in many aspects and made from the same stuff, but sometimes that Oscar Meyer dog tastes better than the no name stuff. Not always, but sometimes I guess this isn't one of those


              • #8
                Originally posted by Fender View Post
                It's kind of like trying to know if the store brand hot dog is as good as the top brand. They are the same in many aspects and made from the same stuff, but sometimes that Oscar Meyer dog tastes better than the no name stuff. Not always, but sometimes I guess this isn't one of those
                You know what goes into hot dogs, right? So Oscar Meyer uses only the finest lips, assholes, and eyelids.

                I replaced my Model '88 JT6 with an OFR, but left the original string lock. I also blocked the tremolo. In this case it was mostly for looks, really I could have blocked the original but it's very worn.

                I guess what I'm saying is, if you can live with a tremolo-less guitar then a JT6 set up as a hard tail will stay in tune very well, have a nice set of fine-tuners, etc.

                The MIJ Charvels were really excellent guitars. If I were in the market for a Model 6, I wouldn't hesitate to spend $600 for a good one with a JT6.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MakeAJazzNoiseHere View Post
                  You know what goes into hot dogs, right? So Oscar Meyer uses only the finest lips, assholes, and eyelids.

                  I replaced my Model '88 JT6 with an OFR, but left the original string lock. I also blocked the tremolo. In this case it was mostly for looks, really I could have blocked the original but it's very worn.

                  I guess what I'm saying is, if you can live with a tremolo-less guitar then a JT6 set up as a hard tail will stay in tune very well, have a nice set of fine-tuners, etc.

                  The MIJ Charvels were really excellent guitars. If I were in the market for a Model 6, I wouldn't hesitate to spend $600 for a good one with a JT6.
                  Nothing gets me going like simulated intestines filled with the finest porc anus in town . That's the thing though, i can't live with a tremolo-less guitar, especially if it has one. I want maybe one hard tail in my guitars. It's dumb, but i really work on involving the tremolo in my style. I kinda liked the first time i heard Vai, he was all over that thing. Otherwise, i felt other plays like Kerry King use it like amateurs. So i am still working on something unique, and having some on every guitar is helping. Thought the jt580lp trems i have on my current jacksons are crap, so i still find myself all over my Ibanez and it's awesome original edge. Thanks for the advice though, he hasn't answered any of my calls so I'll tune back later!

