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Couple of Minor JT-6 to OFR Q's

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  • Couple of Minor JT-6 to OFR Q's

    I've had a Model 4 for ages, and I love the guitar to death. I've kept it in excellent shape, but like most of you I'm interested in swapping out the JT-6 pot-metal floating trem for the genuine OFR.

    I've read other threads, but I just want to ask a couple of questions:

    1. Since I have a non-recessed bridge, I would want a 42mm sustain block, right? I'm looking at throwing a tungsten sustain on there and want to make sure I order the right size.

    2. The pivot posts for the JT-6 are compatible with the OFR I know, but is the threading the same on the new posts that will come with the OFR when I order? For the sake of "everything shiny and new" porn I wouldn't mind swapping them out (they appear to come preloaded into bushings, but I'm assuming I could just unscrew them and put them on my Model 4, assuming the threading is the same), even though it's an extremely minor piece of hardware.

    I think I'm up to date with everything else on this swap. Locking nut stays the same (though, if anyone can point to new parts/screws for it, I'd appreciate it as mine are a little beat up and I wouldn't mind freshening it up a bit), etc. Any other tips? I plan on ordering things up and doing it this next month as my birthday present to myself. Thanks!

  • #2
    1) yes, 42mm

    2) no, OFR posts have much finer threads than the JT-6 posts & bushings. If you want new posts, Dave at makes posts that will fit your JT-6 bushings and are more compatible with the OFR knife edges.

    Last edited by dg; 03-25-2010, 09:56 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by SausageofPower View Post
      I think I'm up to date with everything else on this swap. Locking nut stays the same (though, if anyone can point to new parts/screws for it, I'd appreciate it as mine are a little beat up and I wouldn't mind freshening it up a bit), etc. Any other tips? I plan on ordering things up and doing it this next month as my birthday present to myself. Thanks!
      I'm assuming the locking nut is the behind-the-nut string lock. If the top 3 lock down screws uses a flathead screw, it's made of the same soft metal the JT-6 is made of. In that case, I advise replacing it w a Kahler-made one...better materials.

      See this recent thread for reference:
      "Your work is ingenius…it’s quality work….and there are simply too many notes…that’s all, just cut a few, and it’ll be perfect."


      • #4
        Great, thanks for the replies. In the case of the string lock, I was hoping there was a better quality part (I've noticed the general softness of the metal it was made of when I took the guitar apart to detail it). I'd need the Kahler 5513 Std, right? Thanks again.


        • #5
          I'm not hip with Kahler id numbers, but it you want the kind that has the cutout on top for the truss rod access. Here are 2 ebay auctions w the kind I'm talking about. These things also come in varying widths, but that's less of an issue since the neck has its own nut. BTW, I don't know and can't tell if these 2 lspecific ocks below are the same or not.

          "Your work is ingenius…it’s quality work….and there are simply too many notes…that’s all, just cut a few, and it’ll be perfect."

