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When did the model prices go up?

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  • #16
    I'm buying a Model 2 for just under $400. I'm doing so because it's in pristine condition... It doesn't look like it's ever been touched. Is that a good deal? I think most forum members would say that's high... But to me it's an acceptable price for an almost 25 year old import Charvel in great condition. Markets change, and super strats are coming back into fashion. I expect to see price increases on most vintage examples soon, even in this recession.

    What I'm noticing is that the price has plummeted on high end $3,000 + vintage stuff, but the prices on cheaper guitars from the 70's and 80's are holding firm or escalating. It's just a matter of time before nice examples of 80's import Charvels get more expensive.

    In my case, even IF I'm paying slightly more than is typical, I'm getting a great guitar that looks like it just came off the showroom floor. To me, I'm getting a good deal. Really, when price trends on Ebay start to develop, it's a pretty good indicator of what the current "real world" market is.

    Back in the early 90's I used to buy Gibson Melody Makers for $200 - $250. I had sold them all, and was interested in picking up another one. Boy was I surprised when I found out what some of them are going for now! Many are going for $900 to $2,000, and the cheapest one I found that was in halfway decent condition was $500. I bought it, realizing that eventually I wouldn't be able to get one for that amount again.


    • #17
      That's a shitload of money for a Model 2. Most people would say $300 tops, I think.

      But, if it is REALLY mint, and the color you want, what ya gonna do? The majority of these I've seen are in "player" condition because let's face it, that's what they are for. And mine looks like it's been owned by one or more meth-heads at one time.


      • #18
        Originally posted by MakeAJazzNoiseHere View Post
        That's a shitload of money for a Model 2. Most people would say $300 tops, I think.

        But, if it is REALLY mint, and the color you want, what ya gonna do? The majority of these I've seen are in "player" condition because let's face it, that's what they are for. And mine looks like it's been owned by one or more meth-heads at one time.
        True... But the thing's in mint condition... I think it's a good deal. I still think that prices on good examples will rise over the next ten years, and as I'm buying it to keep, I'll be fine in the long run.

        Plus, money is money, but $400 isn't going to kill me... Besides, have you seen how much guitar $400 buys new these days? It's usually not pretty. With the exception of this Charvel and my Melody Maker I own higher end, more expensive guitars, and it's increasingly difficult to buy the "good" stuff new for less than $1,500 $3,000... That's a generalization, but it's been my experience. A good player like a Model 2 is a decent score for the money in my opinion.


        • #19
          Uh, re-read the third sentence of my post. Then ask yourself, "Self, why did I just type two paragraphs justifying my purchase to a guy on the internet, let alone a guy who pretty much agreed with me."

          Most people would say that's a shitload of money. Many people would call you crazy for comparing a Model 2 to a $1500 - $3000 guitar and say you could find something very playable for around half of that $1500.

          However, what is important is if you're happy with it, which is basically what I said before.

          Why do you give a shit?

          You say "Is that a good deal" and if anyone says "NO!" even playing Devil's Advocate, then you're going to argue with them until you feel like you spent your money wisely.

          Let's cut to the chase, and you just enjoy your guitar.
          Last edited by MakeAJazzNoiseHere; 10-04-2010, 09:28 AM. Reason: I can count to potato...


          • #20
            Here's the deal - Charvel Model Series - When you're talking about spending $150 - $300 for one: you cannot beat them. Hands down - they are the tops in that price range - new, used, whatever. Once people start paying ridiculous prices for them - sorry - they ain't that good.

            Now, with new import Charvels coming out - and I'm guessing $400 - $600 on the used market - the price of Charvel Model Series guitars will tank.
            Blank yo!


            • #21
              Originally posted by MakeAJazzNoiseHere View Post
              Uh, re-read the third sentence of my post. Then ask yourself, "Self, why did I just type two paragraphs justifying my purchase to a guy on the internet, let alone a guy who pretty much agreed with me."

              Most people would say that's a shitload of money. Many people would call you crazy for comparing a Model 2 to a $1500 - $3000 guitar and say you could find something very playable for around half of that $1500.

              However, what is important is if you're happy with it, which is basically what I said before.

              Why do you give a shit?

              You say "Is that a good deal" and if anyone says "NO!" even playing Devil's Advocate, then you're going to argue with them until you feel like you spent your money wisely.

              Let's cut to the chase, and you just enjoy your guitar.
              It's all good, I wasn't trying to sound defensive or justify my purchase, I was just clarifying my rational for buying the guitar.

              People can disagree with part or all of my post, that's fine. Since this thread was questioning why prices on the Model series guitars might be going up, I just threw in my opinion, which is that I expect to see them continue to escalate in value. The old perception has been that they are generally great guitars for the money, but now they're entering "vintage" territory and more people are getting nostalgic for 80's guitars... It's natural that the average price for one will go up. Do I expect to see them ever command a LOT of money? No. But it wouldn't surprise me if people are willing to blow $500 - $600 on a nice one eventually. I never thought I'd see the day that some lower end guitars from the 70s would command the prices they do now.

              Even though there are plenty of good deals for mid-priced super strats, there are only so many nice ones from the 80s floating around, and I predict that a certain kind of collector will pick that over a nice new one even if they cost about the same.

              Anyway, just my opinions, and thanks, I plan on enjoying my Model 2.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Grandturk View Post
                Here's the deal - Charvel Model Series - When you're talking about spending $150 - $300 for one: you cannot beat them. Hands down - they are the tops in that price range - new, used, whatever. Once people start paying ridiculous prices for them - sorry - they ain't that good.

                Now, with new import Charvels coming out - and I'm guessing $400 - $600 on the used market - the price of Charvel Model Series guitars will tank.
                I basically agree with you, but as I mentioned above, I think that collectors might be willing to pay a little more money for an original import Charvel from the 80's even if the new imports are good and can be had for about the same amount of money... But as you said, I could be mistaken, and the new Japanese guitars may diminish the prices on Model Series guitars. It'll be interesting to watch.

                I also own/play Gibsons, and it's been interesting to see the prices people are willing to pay for 70's era Gibbys... They were once widely considered poorly made, inferior instruments, and now they are getting pricey and desirable. I think it's largely a case of nostalgia... Once guitars reach a certain age, some people just seem to want them more.


                • #23
                  Most rational people still consider 70's Gibsons to be poor quality.


                  • #24
                    Heh... That's indeed true... Just don't let them hear you say that over at the Les Paul forums!

