I just trade an Epiphone LP Goth equiped with a Zack wylde EMG pick up kit (81-85 plus electronics) for a Charvel Fusion Spécial. Before doing it i have done some research and find that it was made in Japan and also that Jackson and Charvel guitar from that era built in Japan were good instrument. The week point in that one are the pick up. Irealy like the feel of the guitar, but the pick up have the lowest output i ever seen. I have to completely change the set up of my amp pedal and noise gate to compeansate for the weak pic-up.
I play mostly hard rock and old heavy metal . ( Ozzy, Black Sabath,Metalica,Testament, etc). I'm looking to replace the pick up, but realy don't know what to put in that to have the sound i'm looking for. I like Dimarzio evolution and tone zone and also EVH pick up but
my guitar have a bizarre 3 single coil size ( suposely mini humbucker ) J-200 with no booster. What model of mini Humbucker do you suggest to me ? Do they have as much output and as good sound as a real humbuker ?
Ho and to complicate a bit more , i can't put a real humbuker at the bridge because the bridge and middle pick up are put together in a slant position.
Any sugestion for me ?
I play mostly hard rock and old heavy metal . ( Ozzy, Black Sabath,Metalica,Testament, etc). I'm looking to replace the pick up, but realy don't know what to put in that to have the sound i'm looking for. I like Dimarzio evolution and tone zone and also EVH pick up but
my guitar have a bizarre 3 single coil size ( suposely mini humbucker ) J-200 with no booster. What model of mini Humbucker do you suggest to me ? Do they have as much output and as good sound as a real humbuker ?
Ho and to complicate a bit more , i can't put a real humbuker at the bridge because the bridge and middle pick up are put together in a slant position.
Any sugestion for me ?