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1986 Model 2

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  • 1986 Model 2

    Ok, there are some slight discussions here and there about the Kahler 2500 that came on this guitar. After some playing time, its just killing me. It won't even stay close to in tune. The guitar is a jem, other than that. The 2710 Killer (?) trem is $50 more than I paid for the guitar. Is it really worth it? Can reasonable wammy stuff be done and stay in tune even with the locknut behind the nut set-up? Is ther any other options other than plugging the post holes, re bushing it and trying to put on a Floyd? Do I just block the crappy Kahler tight, with no movement? Thanks alot. Sorry if I didn't dig deep enough into the forum archives on this.I've had a bit of feedback from some other sources, just looking for more.

  • #2
    I have a Model 2 with Kahler. Stays in tune pretty well (sorry dude). Even with big divebombs and so on. I can do Vai-sounding alien warbles on the trem arm, dives and so on and it's pretty damn good at coming back to pitch. In fact it has been a main stage guitar for me because of the tuning stability and simplicity of it all.

    Did you oil the saddles with 3 in 1? Trem spring screws not too tight? Sometimes it just takes a few hours of tweaking to get a trem all settled and set up.

    I am going to sound pretty mean, but I think the majority of trem not returning to pitch problems are user error/bad setup. Didn't EVH use a v-trem for a long time? I have a little Jackson import with the Fender US style two point trem and it stays in tune very well with a careful setup (graphite slush in nut, mainly). I had to find a sweet spot for that one where it stayed in tune well and I had t literally abuse the trem in the store where I got it, for about 40 minutes to see if it was woth buying.

    I also have two model 6s, one with Original Floyd (replace for the JT6) and Kahler, and the behind the nut stuff. Both stay in tune well, the Kahler probably more-so than the Floyd.

    Not saying your problem is user error though, as sometimes trems can just be crappy.


    • #3
      Not taking it anyway but direction. Its lubed.Lubed the nut also. The trem springs are adjusted so it floats even to the body, just like I do my Floyds. Using my usual .009's for strings. Wondering if the knife bar edge is toasted, or maybe the posts. They don't look like it. I have to get this to work. I just really like this guitar alot.It sounds and plays tremendous. I bomb the hell out of my San Dimas with the Floyd, borderline abusive.Right back in tune, always. Thats got .009's on it also. Just need a little "bomb drop" out of it here and there for some stuff we are doing. I know what your saying about taking some time. I had a friends kids inexpensive Fender with a wierd looking floating trem. I got that to work pretty nice, not even a lock nut. Maybe I just need to really look closer at the pivot points.I'm not giving up by no means. Way too nice of a guitar. Thanks for the reply and advice.Much appreciated. Cheers


      • #4
        Is the string lock clamping the strings properly? These tend to get worn out and will develop grooves in the upper housing. After clamping - press down on the strings behind the lock and see if it pulls the strings sharp. If so, you may need to replace the lock housing.
        Blank yo!


        • #5
          It is possible to overtighten then cavity springs....(just a thought?). The Kahler's a bit deceptive because it looks like it is floating level even when the springs would be pulling a Floyd unit right back down. So maybe there's room to loosen the springs there a little? Just a thought? Grandturk also ahs good info.

          You obviously know what you are doing, and if the trem posts and edges are sound then it may just be a case of tweaking. It'll be satisfying when/if(?) it all works out.


          • #6
            If its the 2500 make sure the rollers are free and able to spin on the shaft.
            I just rebuilt a 2500 for a model 2 I sold and it works fine dive bombs and all.
            Really? well screw Mark Twain.


            • #7
              Originally posted by axmann View Post
              The 2710 Killer (?) trem is $50 more than I paid for the guitar. Is it really worth it?
              The Killer is a LOCKING trem. With one end of the string locked, you only have to worry about the nut.


              • #8
                Thanks much, everyone.


                • #9
                  I say shit-can the Kahler all together.. Plug te holes with dowel and re-drill for a Floyd..Problem solved.. It's a relatively easy fix for a luthier.. Hell..I think it's an easy fix for a Jr. high woodworking class... Done many..
                  John 3:16

