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The Model 6 Transformation thread

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  • #31
    Not sure yet, probably quilted maple, depending on what joewoodworker has in stock, or maybe a spalted look. I want it to be unique, either way. They take actual pics of the veneer, so I can figure out what kind of match I can put together. Experience has taught me not to bother trying the whole top in one piece, unless you have vacuum press or $200.00 in clamps. Book match is the best for someone on a budget. It will be cool, believe me. Thanks, I'll try and make it a little faster this time. Don't drink too much pop this weekend everyone!


    • #32
      Hey, looks good. Hows your back doing?


      • #33
        Hey all, The Charvel is moving fast huh. lol Anyway, since the last post, I had another back surgery which was fun, and put the poor old model 6 on the back burner. I finally chipped away at it a little more and here is where it's at. I found another crack on the back of the headstock which seems, oddly enough, it was done at the factory and the went ahead with it. I'll post clearer pics of this when I get a chance. It is not staying this way, I think I'm going to get 1/8 inch flamed top for it and route it proper. I might even give it to someone, I don't know, but in good faith I'm trying to see this thing through. Cheers.


        • #34
          The crap stain job was kinda of a feeler to see what it would look like. I'm not happy with it, so it is sitting until I can come up with some money for her.


          • #35
            Oh another killer tip for these. Because I could do anything, I bought a 92-93 Jackson fusion and an extra body, which I'm using currently. Long story short, I doweled and installed standard floyd studs in the model 6, but discovered the studs in the old fusions are the same size as the jt-6 trem studs, but threaded of course for a schaller/floyd studs. So, I'm going to put those in the Model 6 and remove the dowels. This is critical because there is a crack behind the right stud. I can't win with this thing, that's why it has been soooo long because I was bummed. But I'm getting back on the horse. I either need to shit or get off the pot with this guitar! lol All in all it's pretty much done as far as repairs, just needs to be finished pretty. When I stung it up it played like a champ. Even with the hammered frets.
            Last edited by ps43203; 06-23-2012, 12:20 PM.


            • #36
              Keep at it, the work so far looks good (yeah, like I know huh) either way hope your on the mend and having a good time fixxing the old 6 up.
              I want to go out nice and peaceful in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming and hollering like the passengers in his car.


              • #37
                Thanks, for the kind words. I'm trying, I want this guitar to be a player again.


                • #38
                  Keep playing with it till you like it. Do it at your pace, and remember.. It's for fun - not work!! lol
                  Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!


                  • #39
                    It is fun. I get impatient, and refuse to do it with this one. It will be slow and precise, also afraid of messing it up too bad. It will be done, I really want a maple fretboard now. ;0)


                    • #40
                      Just because it's the way I am, I feel an explanation is past due as far as this model 6 goes. Anyway, I have hit a rut of epic proportions, well not really, but you know. I just can't get past the neck angle and would rather pass it on. The neck angle is just not right for me, and changing it is not worth it. It belongs on a les paul, which I have, but it just doesn't not work on a strat style guitar. The neck angle should be flat, so the floyd rose, at least, sits flush on the body, or recessed completely. I have a Charvel style 1 with the same issue, too much neck angle. With the Charvel, I can route the neck pocket a little deeper and have the floyd flush to the body, no biggie. But unfortunately, being a neck through guitar I can't pull it off so easily. I wish it was a soloist pro or sl1, it would be singing right now, bummer. I guess that's how the cookie crumbles sometimes. When I get a chance I'll pop it on to the classifieds. Until then ...... Thanks for looking and sorry for the lame ending. Peace!


                      • #41
                        I have been thinking, and if anyone is interested in taking this on and making something great out of it, I would be willing to pay it forward with this girl, she has some serious mojo in her for sure. If someone is willing to pay the shipping, I'll send it to one of you guys, I can't afford to put any money into shipping it, otherwise I would. I have a set of emg's I'll send with it and a schaller trem. It stays in tune w/o out a lock nut, so I was going to leave it off. Let me know what ya'll think and I'll send it to someone who really wants it.


                        • #42
                          PM sent.
                          I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                          • #43
                            Cant believe I missed this! I have been looking for a Mod 6 project. good game toejam


                            • #44
                              Since Toejam got on it first, I have to give dibs. I'm sure he will do it justice.


                              • #45
                                Thanks, Dan! I do miss the Model 6 I used to own.
                                I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.

