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Replacing Bridge PU on MIJ Pro Mod So Cal: DIY or Pro Install?

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  • #16
    That's a great idea Vass - or if not a digital pic, just drawing a simple diagram of what's there before you start is a smart thing. GTR65, don't forget you're changing colors too (Dimarzio vs SD).
    As far as the pot values, the rule of thumb is to use 500k for passive humbuckers, and 250K for single coils. No need to change pot unless it's bad or you're changing pup type.
    To be honest, changing the pup itself is the easy part.
    When I do it, I figure since I'm unlocking the strings, might as well change them too...
    And since strings are off, might as well oil the board...
    Since I'm oiling the board, might as well clean/wax the body... Good luck GTR65 - let us know how it turns out.


    • #17
      Thanks for the latest tips. I'm definitely going to install it myself, I've just got to get a soldering iron (probably a Weller WES51) and the pickup (Seymour Duncan TB-4). It probably will be a while longer but I'll definitely post about it when it happens.

