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NGD Model 3

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  • NGD Model 3

    My new addition, absolutely mint Model 3, not a mark on it. Perfect, except for the fact that it wont tune

    Her and her adopted sister:

  • #2
    Nice one. Your string lock might be worn out.
    Blank yo!


    • #3
      Is that guitar actually yellow or is it the most extreme case of yellowing of clear coat we've ever seen?
      AUDIOZONE.DK - a guitar site for the Jackson and Charvel fan


      • #4
        I was thinking the same thing.
        I like it.
        The prudes may snub them, but I don't care.
        I dont need furniture.
        If its tough, shreds, and screams, Its all good.
        If it gets jacked, I'll get another one.
        And rock that sucker.


        • #5
          Its pretty yellowed, but its the lighting in my house, it tends to yellow everything. But especially looks yellow against the bright white Jackson.

          It's amazing how clean this guitar is. Now I just need to lower the action, and set intonation...


          • #6
            Nice grab! And yellow isn't so bad.


            • #7
              You dog, you!


              Very glad to see how proud you are of your new 3. It's both new to you, and in virtually like new condition - save the natural yellowing of the Pearl White finish. The extreme yellowing might be explained if I share a little about the provenance of your guitar.

              The date was 28MAR2010. The place was Cocoa Beach, Florida. I had a big day in the stock market. So, naturally, I immediately set out to spend some of the profits on a few guitars. Opened Craigslist and there she was, and just 30 miles from where I was staying on the beach. The 30 clicks took forever due to heavy greater Orlando traffic and halfway there I almost said F this. But I perservered and found the guy's house an hour and a half later. Parked out front, rang the bell, and this extremely skinny dude swung open the door. By the numerous speed bumps leading in to his neighborhood I was under the impression it was an upscale development and starting getting bummed that once I finally found the right house I'd be paying top dollar cause anyone who lived around here didn't need the money. How wrong. The guy led me back to a "room" formerly known as 'hallway', sat down on a drummers stool and handed me your guitar. It was all-original, period-correct, factory-correct, never molested and utterly flawless. I remember thinking it was a modern-made repro fake. I checked everything, slowly and methodically. I've bought and sold over 300 Model Series guitars since my first in 1987 and never, repeat never, saw one this factory perfect in each and every respect, save some heavy-duty yellowing. I was about to inquire whether he had it long and also if he smoked and left her out of the case. When I looked up to ask him, he was lighting up a Newport. Turns out the tar couldn't have been his doing though, as he only bought it a few weeks before to resell. He had found it locally from the original owner who never did learn how to play, and only tried the first few weeks after he bought it. The Model 3 had sat - all those years - as the proverbial "under-the-bed burst" equivalent of the IMC Charvel Import Model Series realm. You now own the most factory-original and new looking Charvel import I have ever seen. Except that deep deep yellowing. So, this guy's aim to resell it. That's what he does. He had (not at all joking nor exaggerating) about twenty guitars crammed into that hallway "room" and in talking learned he only shows "20 at a time". No kidding. This guy has guitars filling two other rooms .... this time real full-sized bedrooms. I suppose an estimate might be around 100 guitars in there total. He kept asking for big bills and I kept hammering away about the yellowing ..... cause let's face it ... that's ALL I could possibly manufacture to bitch about. His defense was to pretend I never mentioned it. Despite his silence, he was softening up some. Instead of a discount he offered to throw in the original case. I know you're laughing right now because that is the most perfect CMC-100 Charvel SafeCase (you youngins call em Chainsaws) in existence. You got one helluva deal. Seriously. I should have charged you an extra $250 ....MINIMUM. That guitar with that case ... ouch. You simply cannot find them like yours any more. Period. Back to the yellowing. This guy was born and raised in Florida, and hence correctly diagnosed the guitar's finish problem and had tried to correct it. I assumed it was tar from smoking. But he knew it was sun and heat. So he used to "butter" it every day of the four to six weeks he owned it. This may explain (finally) that very pungent aroma which billows into your room every time you crack her case. Literally nothing I tried could dull the extremely strong smell of lotion. In theory, he was re-moisturizing severely dried out paint. It may be the yellowest Pearl White Charvel ever, but the quality (not color but rather quality) of the paint looks flawless. How much of that is owed to the suntan lotion treatments, or perhaps despite them, who knows. I ended up buying the guitar and case for what I still consider cheap. I played her for about the next month, six weeks tops. Then it dawned on me it was foolish to actually play her. If there is any example of a Model 3 that could serve in a museum it's her. So, I stopped. Sat in my closet, not for sale, until about one year to the day later when you stole her from me. I thought it would bid up to $750 with her original flawless case EASY. I learned a lesson that day. It's called RESERVE. I'm not kidding in the least when I state I feel I stole her from him.... but then you stole her from me. If you called me tomorrow asking if I wanted her back, I'd do it. Until then, it pleases me to see it go to someone who is excited to have her.

              Visiting rights would be cool. If that's not possible, have her call me every Friday for life.




              • #8
                No chit...what a story and very nice grab.
                That hardware does indeed look mint.


                • #9
                  wow, the guitar now hangs proudly in my guitar room with the others. She actually hangs in the top position. That stinky ass case is in the closet, lol. I tried everything to get the stink out the case, but the guitar doesn't smell at all.

                  Not looking to sell it back, but PM me your email address and I will always give you the first shot at her if I do.


                  • #10
                    here it is as she hangs with all her siblings...


                    • #11
                      Had the same tuning issues on my M3a. Switched to Diadario strings and fixed it


                      • #12
                        My Model 2b bass is similar colorwise.

                        Does yours have glitter in the finish?


                        • #13
                          oh yes, plenty of "glitter" lol


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by rdamaral View Post
                            oh yes, plenty of "glitter" lol
                            Oh hahaha, I love the glittery flakes on the finish.

                            Congrats on a nice guitar!


                            • #15
                              Looks and Plays like butter LOL!
                              Nice Guitar!!!....

