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Charvel Spectrum questions

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  • Charvel Spectrum questions

    Hi everyone, just joined up here. Found a Charvel Spectrum at a local pawn shop yesterday for $80 (dark blue/rosewood board). For that price I just couldn't resist - even though I am more of a Fender man, I'm always looking to add other stuff to my collection. It's in pretty good shape and seems to be pretty original. I'm loving it, so much fun to play. Takes me back to my early days of playing, my first guitar was a Jackson which I sold long ago. Funny how different guitar instantly take your playing in different directions.

    Anyways, I've been reading up on them and everyone talks about them having "active" electronics, the J-1200 system which gives a mid boost when the toggle switch is activated, running off a 9V battery. My guitar has the toggle switch, but it simply acts as a mute. When I opened it up to see what is going on, I noticed the toggle is wired between the volume pot and output jack with red wires. There is no pre-amp/processor of any kind, just an ordinary volume and tone pot and no real evidence of anything having been removed that I can see. There is however an unused 9V battery clip.

    Did all Spectrums have the J-1200 system installed? Would there be any practical reason for removing it? Does not having it affect the pickups when in "normal" mode? From the descriptions I've read it's probably not the kind of thing I would use much anyway if it just gives a wah kind of sound, but I am just interested in finding out more about this guitar.

    On another note, this may be a silly question, but what is the little thing on the back of the headstock that looks like a guide/holder with 2 holes in it?
    Last edited by JaminJuno; 04-09-2011, 05:59 AM.

  • #2
    The Spectrum had the JE-1500 para-mid EQ rather than the JE-1200, which is a more subtle mid boost. Like you heard, it's like a built-in wah. They all had it, but it's very common for people to remove the circuits from guitars when they change pickups or when the electronics start to act up. The thing on the back of the headstock is an allen wrench holder for your trem tools.
    Last edited by dg; 04-09-2011, 07:47 AM.


    • #3
      I think the most common thing is the volume pot goes bad, and they are soldered right on to the circuit board. the pots are a strange value, 50K and they arent easy to find. you have to look a bit for them. so they usually just remove them and installed "regular" pots (500K or 250K) and wire them conventionally without the wah boost thing. that leaves an used toggle, so the guy probably just figured he would use it as a mute switch. I have NO idea where you can find one of the circuits.

      I have a specturm, and my volume pot was bad when I got it. so I had to hunt for a new pot. Someone here put me on to guitar parts depot and I got one there. (thanks again!) mine is wired original. If I had to, I was willing to rip out the wiring and redo it conventionally. I really dont use the wah boost thing. its kinda odd. It works well if you want a pseudo wah tone like the solo on comfortably numb.

      Congrats on the pawn shop score. Please post pics of it!
      "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder

