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Can't We Just Assume the Charvel Desolation Series is Junk

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  • Can't We Just Assume the Charvel Desolation Series is Junk

    Kaman made the junk stuff for Hamer in the late 80s and 90s. Im a big Hamer fan and owner and the Kaman stuff was really bad. As well Kaman has that reputation with other brands.

    As it look its another example where the guitars are a cool shape and sure its made from some smart engineering but its made out of improperly cured woods from less than desire-able wood stock. Manufactured and assembled by people who dont care about guitars and they may as well be assembling frickin baby furniture you buy at walmart thats made in China.

    IMHO you cant just slop woods together and paint them in a paint booth right next to a cheap kitchen table and expect that to compare to a real guitar.

  • #2
    I dunno ... haven't played one yet and really don't want to. I like the Japanese J/Cs and prefer them, even over the USAs. To me this new direction is not the way I see Charvel, but it's not a bad thing, just different. There's a huge thread on the Desolation series, though. You should check it out.
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    • #3
      I 'assumed' BC Rich was a subpar brand (the imports that is) so getting a warlock was taking a gamble
      When I finally had it in my hands, it turned out to be a very good player with MiJ quality feel

      So 'Assume' all you want on theory, just be prepared to 'Conclude' on facts
      "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

      -"You like Anime"



      • #4
        You could get one that accidentally doesn't suck, theoretically.


        • #5
          China is not Japan and we all know that in certain circumstances Japanese quality exceeded some USA manufacturing and not just for guitars. Look what happened with electronics in the 1970 and thats just one example.

          But with China you can be sure that half the parts and im sure the woods will be contracted out to people workin on dirt floors. The Japanese people i think we could all agree are pretty much smart and sharp about business and have alot of pride

          But these Desolation imports are sure to be High-high-high production numbers. Its Fender just trying to throw something out there for a profit. Dont get me wrong making a few bucks is cool and all but lets not fool ourselves this stuff might look cool but IMHO thier probably just above the First Act guitars I saw at Toys-R-Us except made from low quality Mahogany and bottom of the pick Rosewood.


          • #6
            So you think they shouldn't be made of cheaper materials, cheaper hardware, and not be put together by cheaper labor? Because without those things you don't have a cheaper guitar and im pretty sure that's what they were aiming for. And on cheaper guitars I don't think they make much.

            I know that if you go to GC and buy a $400 epiphone, gc paid 150 for it. Which means that epiphone is making $150 per $400 guitar, im sure they sell a lot, but they would have to for it to equal out to the profit of one gibson. So im going to assume that charvel is making 150-300 bucks per desolation, and im sure they aren't selling like hotcakes because most people in the market for a low end guitar have most likely never heard of charvel. So I don't think its to make money, I think its to simply get into the market and those new guitarists might pick one up, then when they're better look to see what else charvel has to offer.

            As for assuming they suck. Im sure they suck as much as any other entry level guitar, which imo you can't really say suck because they're great for what they're for. These aren't going to be marketed for professional musicians, these are going to be for projects, and first and second guitars for beginners. Why would you spend close to a grand for a pro mod or a pro series when you don't even know 3 chords yet? Lol
            Last edited by TKEblue; 10-03-2011, 07:28 PM.
            I'm going to give you the keys to the Lamborghini


            • #7
              I`m `assuming` that it sounds like you really want to take a dump on it, so, stop beating around the bush, just go ahead and take a dump on it!


              • #8
                Originally posted by g_reaper View Post
                Can't We Just Assume the Charvel Desolation Series is Junk
                No, we can't.
                Matter of fact, the reviews from people here who have tried them have put them at average or above.

                May not be my cuppa, but, that's why we have pro-mods.

                Start here and go to then end. Ya may learn somthin'...

                Last edited by Flatpicker; 10-03-2011, 07:45 PM.
                Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day, set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.


                • #9
                  I like to make all my judgements based on conjecture, speculation and assumption. Relying on facts and hands-on experience is for chumps.
                  Hail yesterday


                  • #10
                    That assume thing.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by TKEblue View Post
                      Why would you spend close to a grand for a pro mod or a pro series when you don't even know 3 chords yet? Lol
                      Guilty, guilty guilty!
                      "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                      • #12
                        Someone posted a thread somewhere, said they walked into a music store and tried it along with a bunch of other guitars and a prs and thought the Charvel was the best playing and sounding guitar at least equal to the prs and less than half the cost, that was his opinion but no i don't think you can assume that.


                        • #13
                          You know what happens when you assume, don't you?
                          It's all about the blues-rock chatter.

                          Originally posted by RD
                 now I have this massive empty house with my Harley, Guns, Guitar and nothing else...


                          • #14
                            You know what happens when you assume, don't you?
                            It's only half true here.


                            • #15
                              I played one of the neckthroughs, and it was very impressive. I posted about it in the Revealed thread, where I also posted the long list of reasons why I won't buy Chinese stuff when I have any other option. I'll try to get back by and check out some of the other models now that they're in to see if that one was some kind of fluke, but I don't think it was. Anyone who thinks something is automatically junk because it's made in China must have never seen an iPhone, iPad, Lenovo laptop, etc., etc. People all over the world are pretty much as capable and smart as they are anywhere else, and they can all be trained to make good products of any kind, including guitars, as long as they are given good materials to start with. In the past, the worst materials always went to the places with the cheap labor, but that model seems to be changing in some cases.

