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Model 3a Worth It?

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  • Model 3a Worth It?

    Hello guys Ive been watching a model 3a on the ol mighty auction site (UK side). Guitar looks in excellent condition apart from theres a fine tuner and attached block missing and the electrics are a bit messed up, And it has an Active pick up wired into it. Ive priced up the parts I'd need to get it going again and it wouldn't cost too much. The shipping is just shy of £50, So I asked the buyer if I won could I send my own courier to pick it up. They said yes.

    My problem is.... How much is too much for one of these? Any advice would be much appreciated.

    Over here the used guitar prices are considerably different to you guys over the pond as we don't have half as much gear being sold/swapped about. And the customs charges for getting something shipped over to the UK is scandalous. I paid £9 ($13) customs charge for a $20 tshirt. £20 ($30) for a $90 BNIB Phase 90. So you dont have to guess what that would be on a guitar.
    Charvel Pro Mod San Dimas
    Ibanez JS1200
    Fender 70s Classic Stratocaster
    Epiphone Les Paul

  • #2
    350 US Dollars in that condition would be the most I would pay.
    That takes into account the market/trade conditions.
    (You do the exchange rate).

    I'm not sure I would calculate savings based on customs rate if you are competing
    against other guitars of a similar nature, whoever the manufacturer is.


    • #3
      I wouldn't pay more than 300 for it. There is a nice model 4 for sale on there at the moment, its starting at £350, buy it now 500. cant see him getting more than 350. Its got sharkies and the good bit (imo) is that it doesn't have a khaler


      • #4
        Thanks guys. $350 is £230 over here, I was hoping £100 max haha. Considering it needs a bit of work. I didn't realize the kahler models held there value that much. I banged a £101 bid on it but reserve still hasn't been met, And Im 90% this is the 2nd or 3rd time its been re-listed.
        Charvel Pro Mod San Dimas
        Ibanez JS1200
        Fender 70s Classic Stratocaster
        Epiphone Les Paul


        • #5
          If you get it let me know I may be able to hook you up with the fine tuner and block.Pretty sure I have one for the Kahler 2500.
          Really? well screw Mark Twain.


          • #6
            Ahhh that would be sweet Straycat, Thanks man. If it dosent sell again I may send the seller a PM try and negotiate some sort of something haha.
            Charvel Pro Mod San Dimas
            Ibanez JS1200
            Fender 70s Classic Stratocaster
            Epiphone Les Paul


            • #7
              Good luck getting it for £100, I don't think the seller would go for it, you'd be lucky to get a beat up charvell for that over here


              • #8
                Haha thats the way its looking tinribs, I was the highest bidder as well. Really hard over here to get a good deal on these babies. May message them end of the week see if they still have it. It has bits missing and aftermarket pup in so I dont want to go too crazy. I'd happily pay what it was worth if it was all original/everything in order.
                Charvel Pro Mod San Dimas
                Ibanez JS1200
                Fender 70s Classic Stratocaster
                Epiphone Les Paul


                • #9
                  Just found you a nice one thats just been listed on ebay, wish I had the cash, I'd buy it now at 225! I dont think this will be on there long


                  • #10
                    Thanks tinribs but Im after a HH or HSS. It is killer though and a steal!!
                    Charvel Pro Mod San Dimas
                    Ibanez JS1200
                    Fender 70s Classic Stratocaster
                    Epiphone Les Paul


                    • #11
                      Ha Ha, I also paid around £10 for a $20 item shipped over here recently and it was 1st Class International which usually avoids the Customs. The fuckers have my postcode flagged now I reckon and enjoy raping me for everything. The Vat wasn't that bad, it's the £8 handling charge that takes the piss on low ticket items.

                      So when I was last in the USA I picked up a model 3 from GC for $300. I bring them back in two pieces and two fingers to the customs.

                      Missed out on a Charvel Predator over here that the guy was letting go for £200, which is effectively $300. I think £200 -£250 over here or $300-$350 over there is the bench mark for these guitars, unless they are immaculate. Nice guitars, loads of paint and the Basswood is not that crappy lightweight lime you get in knockoffs. These guitars usually weigh in more than an Alder Pro Mod. My model 3 and 1 are my heaviest strat guitars I have.
                      Last edited by ginsambo; 07-31-2013, 01:20 PM.
                      You can't really be jealous of something you can't fathom.


                      • #12
                        Man the Royal Mail should be called Royally Mugging You. I ordered a Tubescreamer from Japan a few years back. Arrived within 3 days of ordering and I didn't have to pay any customs charges or nonsense.
                        Charvel Pro Mod San Dimas
                        Ibanez JS1200
                        Fender 70s Classic Stratocaster
                        Epiphone Les Paul


                        • #13
                          Yeah well that used to be the case with me only a few years back, whole guitars new and everything. Even some shops would lie on the customs chit for yer which I am sure is a felony carrying a life sentence. Then stuff sent 1st Class International would get through but USPS Priority and Express or any private courier like UPS or DHL would take a hit. But now we are skint and they obviously have a record of my postcode, fairly easy to tag it on a computerised system. Actually the charge, even on small items for Express Mail is £13. Fuckers. It must be illegal by European Law to not offer an option of doing the customs forms yourself.

                          Hey, the charge for importing into the USA from the UK is $3....and that is a handling charge.

                          It's gone beyond mugging, everybody in this country wants to fuck you in the ass with barbed wire and then make you pay for the priviledge and for the pensions and bonuses of the people that did it to you.
                          You can't really be jealous of something you can't fathom.

