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Charvel Model 5 pot replacement help!

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  • Charvel Model 5 pot replacement help!

    Hey! I am new to the forum but not new to Charvels . Have a 86' model 5 and a 88' model 4.
    I installed new pickups on the model 5 and they are just a mud puddle.
    They are custom MHD straitjacket pickups which should be performing much better.
    I don't even want to play the guitar anymore because it sucks since installing these pups.
    All I can come up with is that the stock pots are just not cutting it with these high output pickups.(or the pickups just suck!)
    The bridge is approx. 16 ohm.
    I have looked for wiring diagrams and pot suggestions on the net and still not sure how to proceed.
    Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks for having me on the forum.
    Last edited by sonofalpin; 08-16-2014, 01:49 PM.

  • #2
    What pots are currently in there? What does the pickup manufacturer recommend? I'm not at all familiar with these pups, but I'd start there.


    • #3
      I'd bet Stray or Colorado know. You can wait for them to pipe in or drop em a PM. Hope that helps.
      In memory of Gary Wright 9/13/2012


      • #4
        A stock Model 5 has the JE-1200 active midboost circuit. Does your guitar have a battery in it? If so, it could be that the battery is going bad. Also, the JE-1200 was made specifically to work with the Jackson pickups, and it doesn't necessarily work well with other brands. Personally, I never keep the JE-1200 in any guitar I get them in. They are noisy and don't do much to make the sound better, IMHO. If your guitar has stock wiring and you want to get rid of the active circuit, you'll need to replace all three pots and the output jack. You can use the existing switch, but be warned that it's a much more complex switch than the typical Strat 5-way--you need to carefully note how it's wired up before un-soldering everything. I've made that mistake before with that switch and then had to take it to a pro to figure out what to solder where.

        However, before you get out the soldering iron, try replacing the battery, and also try it with the midboost function turned off--turn the third knob all the way down, and you get rid of the mid boost.
        Last edited by pro-fusion; 08-16-2014, 08:56 PM.


        • #5
          Thanks guys. I have had the guitar for a few years now and the midboost works well. Battery is fine in it. It has the stock pots in it except I believe the midboost pot has been replaced. I am not concerned with having the midboost in. I was not happy with the stock pickups after 2 years with it so decided to try something else. The new pups are in but it is just a 3 way switch now as I did not wire it back for coil tapping.
          I believe the manufacturer recommends 500-550k pots but I don't know what he would recommend with the midboost. If the midboost has to go so be it. The midboost works okay with new pups. Better on than not but neither way is impressive. MHD are custom high output pickups.
          Any ideas on metric pots or just go with CTS,Bourn?
          I kept her stock for two years because I didn't want lose the "stock" valuation. But I don't enjoy it in stock form so figured I'd change it up. But I enjoy playing less as it is now though. LOL
          Any ideas on an easier switch to install or should I stick with the original?



          • #6
            Does anyone know If I should use 500-550k pots for both volume and tone? Or should the tone be a 250k pot?


            • #7
              If the mid boost is still there Isn't the volume pot attached to the circuit board. If it is I think that pot is 50k, anybody?
              METAL, LIVE IT!


              • #8
                Well a 50k pot may be what is causing the new pickups to suck
                I believe you are correct(50k). The volume pot is 50k.
                Found a decent wiring diagram for the switch. I guess I will have to get rid of the midboost if I want to try out the 550k pots.
                Any help/suggestions are appreciated.
                Last edited by sonofalpin; 08-19-2014, 02:44 PM.


                • #9
                  I once changed the pickups in a model 5, refitted the stock, now convinced they are king in a model 5 for my style of playing. If you want to sweeten the sound a Brass sustain block can help.
                  250K pots are worth a try, the EVH ones keep a more linear tone on the volume control which is real nice, I have them in a few guitars.
                  7 Charvels and a load of other stuff.


                  • #10
                    I think I need to stay with 50k volume pot if I want to keep the midboost. Wondering if I made a mistake changing out the pickups. Although the midboost pot needs replacing. Someone hacked it in there.
                    Last edited by sonofalpin; 08-20-2014, 01:58 AM.


                    • #11
                      Tough to find stuff out about these guitars online. I was hoping to not have to take it to a tech. Or maybe I'll just try it with two 500k pots and forego the midboost. I like the midboost. Wonder if there is any way to re-route midboost and still use 500k pots.

