Against every avoidance instinct I've come to have towards MIM Charvels (and Jacksons) I broke down and snagged me a new limited edition Super Stock DK24. Steve at CMC hooked me up with one from the very few that are already in stock.
Wow! This is a really nice ax! The fit and finish are right on the money- no snaggle-tooth fret ends sticking out, no poorly seated frets, no for shit Floyd set ups. The neck is sweet! The oiled neck back is one of the best I've played (I've played a few
) Steve and his tech made sure this was primo before it shipped! Coincidentally, he did discover that the hombres down in Mexico managed to f- up the wiring. Seems they're usually putting in Duncans and the DK24 has DiMarzios, i.e.- different wiring set ups.
Luckily, in checking the ax out before shipping, they caught it and rewired it correctly in time to catch the last shipment pick up by UPS last night. It as in my hands by 2 PM.
Wow! This is a really nice ax! The fit and finish are right on the money- no snaggle-tooth fret ends sticking out, no poorly seated frets, no for shit Floyd set ups. The neck is sweet! The oiled neck back is one of the best I've played (I've played a few

Luckily, in checking the ax out before shipping, they caught it and rewired it correctly in time to catch the last shipment pick up by UPS last night. It as in my hands by 2 PM.
