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How thick are the fretmarers on maple boarded 375?

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  • How thick are the fretmarers on maple boarded 375?

    I´m thinking about removing the finish and tung oil the neck of my charevel.
    The only thing that holds me back is that i have a weak memory of somebody one the forum
    accidentley removing the side dots on a maple boarded import...
    Is there any risk it might happen?

  • #2
    Re: How thick are the fretmarers on maple boarded

    That sucker is gonna play sweet once you're done. It shouldn't be a problem with the dots if you're careful. To remove the side dots you'd have to sand way more than is needed.


    • #3
      Re: How thick are the fretmarers on maple boarded

      Ok thanks!
      For the fretboard, would it be better to just use some steel wool?


      • #4
        Re: How thick are the fretmarers on maple boarded

        I think it was me tellin about my friend who partially removed the side dots off a maple boarded Charvel import neck. He didn't tape off that part of the fretboard when he sanded off the finish. I think those dots (black in color) were painted on...I was plannin on heading to his place tonite for some beers and a jam, so I can check the neck again to make sure if it was paint or really thin markers.

        I've sanded a bunch of necks that had a rosewood board and I always taped off the sides of the rosewood board along with the top of it and it's never given me a problem in terms of I were you, I'd just tape off the side of the maple fretboard and start sanding away. Sometimes, I needed to reapply more masking tape to the sides of the board as the sandpaper/steel wool will chew thru the masking tape. after a
        "Your work is ingenius…it’s quality work….and there are simply too many notes…that’s all, just cut a few, and it’ll be perfect."


        • #5
          Re: How thick are the fretmarers on maple boarded

          Good idea, i taped the fretboard on my rhoads, and the finsih there never bothered me....

