I have noticed that in alot of threads dealing with the Model series they are always referred to as Mass Produced. Compared to the original San Dimas Charvels, you could consider them being mass produced.
But when compared to other 80s guitars how well did their numbers stand up? I mention this because of seeral years of hunting out SDs I have stumbled across very few Model series Charvels also. I've picked up everyone of them I've discovered.
Kramers, Peaveys, Fenders, Squiers, Hondos the list goes on. All out number the Charvels around here anyway. It could be that Charvel owners know what they have and won't part with them easily. Or maybe there aren't quite as many as we think.
We know there were 1000 model 88s.
But how many of each model was produced for each year?
1A's, 2's, 3's, 4's, 6's seem to be the most predominate models out there. That being said they are still not easy to find.
1's, 1C's 3A's, 4M's, 7's, 8's, and all versions of the 5 are much harder to come across.
1986 what maybe 8, 10, maybe as high as 12,000 units shipped world wide? Since it was a short year for them. Out of that how many of each model.
I know there is no way we could ever figure out how many model series guitars were made. Just an observation on my part.
But when compared to other 80s guitars how well did their numbers stand up? I mention this because of seeral years of hunting out SDs I have stumbled across very few Model series Charvels also. I've picked up everyone of them I've discovered.
Kramers, Peaveys, Fenders, Squiers, Hondos the list goes on. All out number the Charvels around here anyway. It could be that Charvel owners know what they have and won't part with them easily. Or maybe there aren't quite as many as we think.
We know there were 1000 model 88s.
But how many of each model was produced for each year?
1A's, 2's, 3's, 4's, 6's seem to be the most predominate models out there. That being said they are still not easy to find.
1's, 1C's 3A's, 4M's, 7's, 8's, and all versions of the 5 are much harder to come across.
1986 what maybe 8, 10, maybe as high as 12,000 units shipped world wide? Since it was a short year for them. Out of that how many of each model.
I know there is no way we could ever figure out how many model series guitars were made. Just an observation on my part.