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Guitar show findings

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  • Guitar show findings

    There was another guitar show this weekend here in The Chicago area. So
    I had to go check it out. Looking for the beat up strat or something for a project guitar. I see a couple of beat up Rhoads (japanes) a concept RR 94 and a Rhoads with e trem may have been korean i didnt pay too much attention to it cus it just wasnt what i was looking for at the time. So i move on. I find a hot pink Charvel script logo, strat body real floyd rose recessed cavity for trem , Hum and and angled neck single. Both pups being Jackson logoed. and look original. Of course it has the fort worth neck plate. Rose wood board and no fret wear that i can see. The strings are old and dead. They look like they may be the original strings too. Oh and a three way blade switch. The neck is dead straight and no buzz. Plus the floyd looks in decent shape just needs some tlc as the whole guitar does. Typical crusty fret syndrom. I havnt pulled it apart yet but it looks like the trem posts have been redrilled and then put back together. Im hoping the posts are just pushed down some into the wood. The guitar seems to be intonated right and plays in tune all the way up the neck as it is. So im really hoping for the best with that. Or im fillin and redrillin. The neck is pretty well either sanded or just worn from play on the back of the neck. Which is odd cus the frets are great.
    But i dont know what this bad boy is. Im thinking a 275 but i thought those were dinky bodies. This is a strat body with a H//s config and a 3 way blade.
    i also saw a killer Jackson EVH. It was a B/W paint job with t maple boarded Jackson neck. Schaller trem and an incredable sounding duncan pup.
    It sounded like a custom custom but a bit hotter. Maybe it was the age. The guitar was in excellent condition. The neck has typical play dirt on it as its a raw neck. But i was told its one of 2 made. the seriel is 6227 with a san dimas plate. so im thinking early 90's cus of the schaller trem. but i could be off. If these were made for EVH would they have seriel numbers? They wanted 3500.00 for this thing. Although it did sound amaizing and played really well. I still think its a bit high.
    I alsosaw a Kramer Night swan with a lightning graphic on it. All orginal but they wanted 1500.00 for a japanese guitar. I ws like WTF? its japanese?.. and it wasnt even a hand painted graphic like my Jackson was. Yilkes Ya gotta love the 80s guitar market in minnesota. LOL. The night swan and the EVh were from minneapolis. but i did pick up the pink charvel for 175.00 in hopes its in better condition than it looks. And i hagled the guy for a case. I have pics of the EVH ut my camera is recharging at the moment so as soon as its doen ill post them and get pics of the pink thing.
    Any ideas on what the pink thing is would br great.

  • #2
    The first round of 275s in '89 had a full-size strat body and a JT-6 trem, so I'm betting that's what you have. Catalog page even has a pink one:


    • #3
      dg your good. Thats exactly what it is. Only the JT6 wa sswapped for an OFR. The post hoes were drilled larger for some reason then the old ones put back in place and was seems to be epoxied back in. It plays in tune so i not gonna mess with it just yet, Here's a couple pics of the new charvel.
      hope this works.

      and heres soem of the Jackson EVH


      • #4
        btw that green dot on the body was just a sticker. hese are the before shots. Doesnt really look mch differant now except clean. ::


        • #5
          Ahahah Yes! Welcome to the Pink Charvel Club! Only a real man can have a Pink Guitar lol !


          • #6
            Yup as i was saying to my friends yesturday when i bought it. "hey Im confortable enough in my musculinity to play a pink guitar"... or is it more in touch with my feminine side? lol
            Im still debating on whetheror not to leave it that color or use it as a paint project ive been wanting to do.


            • #7
              I love my pink Charvel

              Yours looks more like a violet to me, whereas the color designation on my guitar is BGP (BubbleGum Pink)
              Until you get weaned off the boobie, you are going to have to do what the wife wants too. -Rsmacker


              • #8
                Well the catalog listed it as Pearl re Violet. But it still looks pink too me. But I like it. It plays great it could be shit brown i wouldnt care. Its an awesome sounding guitar.


                • #9
                  As long as it plays great who cares what it looks like.
                  Well the catalog listed it as Pearl re Violet. But it still looks pink too me. But I like it. It plays great it could be shit brown i wouldnt care. Its an awesome sounding guitar.
                  I also have a guitar that says its transparent violet, but its Fushia- which is pink to me. but I love the guitar. the ebayer had made altered the pictures to make it look more purple.I was a little disapointed in the color but its a great guitar


                  • #10
                    well you knew I was going to have to chime in......

                    Dave ->

                    "would someone answer that damn phone?!?!"


                    • #11
                      Rich thats about the same color as my Stealth Pro and its deffinatly a more purple violet then the red violet of my 275. but hey its a great pplayin guitar so i dont care what color it is. It may end up being a paint project anyway cus of the scratches and some finish cracks. But its growin on me.

