Hi everyone. I wish I would have found this forum a long time ago!! This place is great. Here are some pics of my Model 4M that I purchased in 1987 when I was 14. I have been the only owner of this guitar and it has been my ONLY electric guitar I've ever owned. I have never found a guitar that played even close to this one so I never forked over any money for something new. Yes, this guitar has many cuts and bruises but at least they were all done by me!! It gives is character anyway, right?
I do have a few questions though.
I do have a few questions though.
- My pots have gotten very stiff over the years and I was wondering if there is any easy way to make them smooth again?
- My humbucker hums when you have the guitar close to the amp or close to a monitor. The other pickups don't. Is this normal or can it be fixed? Oh, and it hums only with a dirty channel.
- Where might I be able to get new bushings for my whammy bar? As I'm sure you know, 20 years will do it's toll on 2 little bushings!