Did I catch a "niner" in there? Where you calling from a Walkie-Talkie? Anywho...
I was trying to figure out how to use this new camera and ended up taking a couple of pretty sweet shots! We have the 750xl, the model 88 and my old model 3. Please excuse the ding on the 88... oh she's delicate, complete opposite of the tough as nails model 3! I had a great analogy involving a prom queen and a two dollar prostitute, but decided it may be too off color for some of the more civilized JCF members.....(there are civilized members, right?) Without further adieu,
I was trying to figure out how to use this new camera and ended up taking a couple of pretty sweet shots! We have the 750xl, the model 88 and my old model 3. Please excuse the ding on the 88... oh she's delicate, complete opposite of the tough as nails model 3! I had a great analogy involving a prom queen and a two dollar prostitute, but decided it may be too off color for some of the more civilized JCF members.....(there are civilized members, right?) Without further adieu,