Having problems with individual string action on the old JT-6 on my M5- If you are looking at the trem at eye-level, the fine tuners (and saddles) are nowhere near any type of horizontal alignment - which I understand is a by product somewhat of correct intonation - however, the high E is so much lower than the other 5 saddles and tuners as to "fret out" this string way before any other comes close to a desireable action. I had this problem with an original FR I changed out on the Jackson, but the luthier fixed it for me. I just don't want to pay 60$ for something I can fix on my own. Any suggestions?
- also - the really thin sheet metal "prongs" underneath the tuners/ saddles is aligned cockeyed with them....
- also - the really thin sheet metal "prongs" underneath the tuners/ saddles is aligned cockeyed with them....