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Case for Model 2

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  • Case for Model 2

    Hey guys...anyone know if this might be a correct case for a Model 2 with pointy headstock? I asked the guy to send a pic of the inside of the case. I've seen lighter gray cases and didn't know if one is for Dinkys and the other for "Strat" bodies.

    Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.

  • #2
    The seller has since posted a pic of the inside of the case. Looks like a "pointy" was in it originally, if you look at the impression formed into the lid, where the headstock would rest.

    I would welcome any comments you might have about the cases for the tilt-neck model guitars. Thank again.


    • #3
      That case definitely was designed for a pointy, but it was from the era ('89 - '91, aka the toothpaste logo era) when all the guitars had dinky bodies, with just a couple of exceptions: the Legend (tele body) and the '89 275 (full-size strat). For a model 2, you need a full-size strat case, which will either be a grey chainsaw case with the guitar-shaped logo on it, or one of the tweed cases they used early on. Even then, some of the grey chainsaw cases w/ guitar-shaped logo were specifically for the Model 5 & 6, which were dinky-bodied neckthroughs, and a Model 2 won't fit in them. When buying a case like this off of eBay, you need to ask the seller what size guitar it fits. If he can't tell you, you're rolling the dice.
      Last edited by dg; 07-01-2008, 09:19 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by dg View Post
        That case definitely was designed for a pointy, but it was from the era ('89 - '91, aka the toothpaste logo era) when all the guitars had dinky bodies, with just a couple of exceptions: the Legend (tele body) and the '89 275 (full-size strat). For a model 2, you need a full-size strat case, which will either be a grey chainsaw case with the guitar-shaped logo on it, or one of the tweed cases they used early on. Even then, some of the grey chainsaw cases w/ guitar-shaped logo were specifically for the Model 5 & 6, which were dinky-bodied neckthroughs, and a Model 2 won't fit in them. When buying a case like this off of eBay, you need to ask the seller what size guitar it fits. If he can't tell you, you're rolling the dice.
        Wow...thanks DG. Quite informative. You probably just saved me a lot of grief...and money.

        I'd like to get the correct chainsaw case for it. I want to make sure the neck and headstock are supported correctly. I'll keep looking.

        Thanks again.


        • #5
          Seems like the correct grey ones come up pretty often, usually for ~$50 or so.


          • #6
            Thanks again, DG.


            • #7
              i just got a G&G for my model 4. it fits like a glove. i also emailed jackson a little ago and they said that any of the current cases should fit, but i dont know.


              • #8
                Originally posted by dg View Post
                Seems like the correct grey ones come up pretty often, usually for ~$50 or so.
                and always with busted latches

                I'm so glad I got a tweed case for mine early on.

                typical young'n with no money, after getting my '86 Model 2 I was broke so I had to wait a month to save up the money for a case, I got the guitar and the case on 48th st in NYC, at the Sam Ash (back when Sam Ash wasn't all chinese junk). fuckers charged me $99 for the tweed case and this was 22 years ago.

                I remember at first keeping the guitar in the cardboard box for a month, under the bed, pulling it out and jamming Wasted Years and Rock Bottom and Subdivisions and putting it back in the cardboard box

                good times.
                the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


                • #9
                  cmh, 2 things to look out for with the G&G cases and pointy headstocks are:

                  1: The headstock tip needs to clear the floor of the case, which it won't in their standard strat case. This was a big problem when Charvel reintroduced the pointy strats. They finally resolved the problem with special cases, but still kept shipping some of them in the wrong case, including some of the limited run guitars ordered from this and another forum. For this reason, take what they say with a grain of salt.

                  2: This is more important for shipping than normal use, but see if you can slide the body forward enough for the headstock tip to make contact with the end of the case. If the tip touches before the body is stopped from sliding forward, that's a recipe for a snapped headstock or broken neck in shipping. The solution for that is to pad the area around the body so it can't move.


                  • #10
                    Great stuff, guys!!! Thanks for the input. I'll keep checking around.

                    Skorb is right about all the cases with broken latches...I very seldom see a used case online that doesn't have at least one broken latch. But I'm not draggin' my gear to gigs anymore, so I can live with that.


